Freddie Mac CFO Suicide

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This is going to be quite a story for the next few weeks.

<a href="">Freddie Mac CFO apparently committed suicide</a>
Add his name to the list

<a href="">Dead pool</a>
Very sad. The only thing to be thankful for was that he didn't kill anyone in his family or coworkers like some of the other a-holes in the news lately.

I know exactly where this neighborhood is in Northern Virginia. It's nice but a bit more modest than what I'd expect for a CFO (or even acting CFO) of Freddie Mac... or maybe I've been in the OC for too long.
My God! What about kids? Wife? His parents, friends, and relatives? There better be an incredible reason why he had to kill himself, otherwise it's just very selfish act in my opinion...
He was just following orders.

<a href="">GOP Senator: AIG Execs Should Follow Japanese Model -- Suicide or Apology</a>
Was his shoe lace tied from opposite direction and the stool was pushed. The guy responsible for the lead paint in China also hung himself for "remorse".