
NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program


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Starting a separate thread for faceshields.  There are a TON of them on Amazon, and so far every single one with a lot of good reviews are full of phony reviews.  It's clear sellers are switching products and stuffing the review box.  Amazon really needs to crack down on this.  And I don't know why so many of them say FACESHIELD on the front, as if we need it to be labeled.

I need to get on an airplane with my small child, visit my aging parents, and return without anyone getting sick.  I want me and my child to wear facemasks and faceshields while on the plane. 

She's 5.  I have Uvex faceshields for when I work in the garage; trying to not look like a confined space firefighter going through LAX and on the flight.

Thanks to the member who PM'd me.  I'll check them out.
Will she wear a baseball cap?  They have the simple ones that just connect to the visor. 

Isn?t there an enterprising high schooler 3D print face shields for health care around that could throw you a pair?