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The mistake you are making is posting Twitter links. Even though it is just a medium. Any way, senator Ron Johnson is requesting DoD to release more information. So we should wait for more official source. But I can predict people like nosuchreality will claim it is those rogue Republican agents in the government spreading misinformation. And of course when you Google Senator Ron Johnson you will find a coordinated effort to smear the senator.
Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) suggested on Wednesday that the attack on the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 was not an insurrection but a largely "peaceful protest."

"By and large, it was peaceful protest, except for there were a number of people, basically agitators that whipped the crowd and breached the Capitol. That's really the truth of what's happening here," Johnson said.

You are quoting a guy who thought the Jan 6 was a Peaceful Protest? OmegaLul Kekw lulw

He is not wrong because the BLM protests where many shops and places were ransacked and burned down are also mostly peaceful protests. The only difference is the US capitol is much more symbolic and the media is making a such big deal out of it.

eyephone said:
Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) suggested on Wednesday that the attack on the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 was not an insurrection but a largely "peaceful protest."

"By and large, it was peaceful protest, except for there were a number of people, basically agitators that whipped the crowd and breached the Capitol. That's really the truth of what's happening here," Johnson said.

You are quoting a guy who thought the Jan 6 was a Peaceful Protest? OmegaLul Kekw lulw
You just left out the protestors were looking for vp pence, senator romney was being chased, and the congress was in lockdown mode, us officers got beat up/injured waiting for reenforcement. (But I guess that is a discussion for later, what took the national guard and other agencies a long time to show up.) The US elected officials were under siege.

Thats what you are fed to believe like the anti crt will save American schools or make it better for students. idk (Crt or no CRT will not provide skills that students will need for the future, in my opinion)

News flash: Do you think public education in the US is good? When there are some private elementary schools learning coding while there are HS graduates that dont learn it. (You are fed the anti crt or crt stuff, while the elite are sending their kids to get the superior education and other parents pay extra to send their kids to learn coding. Meanwhile, the average are left out.) Also, in my opinion the idea of having an ipad for school does not make the kid more advance. * I think some people know what I am talking about. *Paper and pencil is all they need. It is all about memorization and learning the concepts in school. But if they are learning how to make apps for the ipad that may help in the future.) You can yell louder about crt or non crt, while little johnny is getting the education he needs to succeeds.

I also noticed the difference between magnet HS and regular HS. I think the curriculum is more advance at magnets vs regular hs.

I understand college is mot for everybody. I am not passing any judgement. Lets say coding is not for the student. Should the HS system have an elective course about electrical or plumbing or maybe even landscaping? (I think these type of jobs are in demand that might pay above minimum wage.)

(My opinion, for entertainment purposes, it maybe true or false, dont blame me but do your own research)

akula1488 said:
He is not wrong because the BLM protests where many shops and places were ransacked and burned down are also mostly peaceful protests. The only difference is the US capitol is much more symbolic and the media is making a such big deal out of it.

eyephone said:
Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) suggested on Wednesday that the attack on the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 was not an insurrection but a largely "peaceful protest."

"By and large, it was peaceful protest, except for there were a number of people, basically agitators that whipped the crowd and breached the Capitol. That's really the truth of what's happening here," Johnson said.

You are quoting a guy who thought the Jan 6 was a Peaceful Protest? OmegaLul Kekw lulw
akula1488 said:
The mistake you are making is posting Twitter links. Even though it is just a medium. Any way senator Ron Johnson is requesting DoD to release more information. So we should wait for more official source. But I can predict people like nosuchreality will claim it is those rogue Republican agents in the government spreading misinformation. And of course when you Google Senator Ron Johnson you will find a coordinated effort to smear the senator.

Always remember akula gonna be akula - great news for hpject - at least one person is paying attention to your posts

Great advice - you NEVER post twitter links and are aware of their issues. Looks like you have quickly gotten over IHO ghosting you so now you are looking for validation of your relevance from nosuchreality? Just can't understand why people believe you are desperate for attention.

Effort to smear Johnson is so unfair as he has never attempted the same practice nor provided any cannon fodder - wow talk about calling the kettle black. Please put that in your stand up routine!!
akula1488 said:
He is not wrong because the BLM protests where many shops and places were ransacked and burned down are also mostly peaceful protests. The only difference is the US capitol is much more symbolic and the media is making a such big deal out of it.

Always remember akula gonna be akula - master of no trades

You knowledge base know no bounds!! Is there anything you do know? You repeatedly have demonstrated your scientific expertise now you are also a social issue expert. Don't people understand that if a BLM protestor burns down a local business that maybe had nothing to do with their cause and just happened to be there, that is a sign of peace and understanding. Attacking a place our democracy depends on, armed and attempting to injure particular people is a peaceful uneventfully stroll in the park. How could anyone make that a big deal? Of course, Ivanka Trump saw it differently on the day of the event, but she was just making a big deal out of nothing.
akula1488 said:
The mistake you are making is posting Twitter links. Even though it is just a medium. Any way, senator Ron Johnson is requesting DoD to release more information. So we should wait for more official source. But I can predict people like nosuchreality will claim it is those rogue Republican agents in the government spreading misinformation. And of course when you Google Senator Ron Johnson you will find a coordinated effort to smear the senator.

Just show us the source data.

902,400 dead.https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/

Maybe we should start a pool for the one millionth US death?
akula1488 said:
He is not wrong because the BLM protests where many shops and places were ransacked and burned down are also mostly peaceful protests. The only difference is the US capitol is much more symbolic and the media is making a such big deal out of it.

eyephone said:
Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) suggested on Wednesday that the attack on the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 was not an insurrection but a largely "peaceful protest."

"By and large, it was peaceful protest, except for there were a number of people, basically agitators that whipped the crowd and breached the Capitol. That's really the truth of what's happening here," Johnson said.

You are quoting a guy who thought the Jan 6 was a Peaceful Protest? OmegaLul Kekw lulw

Shut the hell up and get your ass to Ukraine.