Dumb Realtor

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<blockquote> Astute Observation by dr. marcus welby

2008-06-05 10:21 AM

anybody with stories of a dumb realtor?i have the impression every realtor is learning disabled?please post them. stupid things they said or wrote. meager educational backgrounds. etc.

Reply to this astute observation </blockquote>

<strong>Post Them here.</strong>
Realtors are not, for the most part intellectuals. They get paid for facilitating a transaction and typically have better people skills than thinking skills. I made the mistake of trusting a realtor and lost a lot of money because I thought she knew what she was doing. I now realize she was unable to walk and chew gum at the same time, but she was very nice and alway smiled.

Of course, I am sure there are always exceptions to my observations. Always get a second or third opinion when working with a real estate agent.