Disney on Ice

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
My wife is taking our 5 y/o daughter with a bunch of other girls her age.  I think all of the seats will be fine.  Closer is always better, but it's a big rink and music will be playing, so IMHO, your 3 y/o will have a blast.  It might be tedious for parents, but nothing makes me happier than seeing my girl smile and laugh.  Money well spent.
Closer the better. They have such short attention span, unless they are really close to the action, they will get bored in a while. Have fun :)
got tickets in section 222, about $30/person.. found a $5 coupon online "FS23" for certain seats.  Going last day Sunday.  How much is parking?  Or is there a good parking lot to go to in the area?