Democrats loved Katie Porter when she bashed Trump. Now she is making them squir

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I like Porter a lot now. I used to think her theatrics are a little bit over the top.

But I've changed my mind since hearing Justin Amash on Andrew Yang's podcast on how congress works and "the rule that broke congress"

Most people probably don't know that committees are legislatively impotent in the modern House of Representatives. Rank-and-file members are utterly powerless.

For junoir member like Porter to influence legislation, she has to put on a show to get press coverage.

I'm glad she's taking a risk. Need more politicians like her. Hyper partisanship and polarization is terrible in American politics today.

And if you are a political junkie like me, you'll enjoy these below.  Justin Amash: Does Nancy Pelosi have too much power? | Andrew Yang | Yang Speaks Process determines outcome: Justin Amash on the rules that broke Congress. | Andrew Yang  How do we fix the mechanics of Congress? Justin Amash + Andrew Yang | Yang Speaks
This is such a dumb article....least of which is the portrayal of Irvine as "Republican".  Irvine is very blue now...our entire city government is represented by Democrats.

I love Katie Porter because she is calling out those in power for pretending that the system is fair and/or that the rich/power are not highly favored.