Degrading Woodbury Schools

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I talked to a friend who lives in Woodbury.  Their kids attend Woodbury?s year round elementary school.  I was shocked to hear they pulled their kids out of Irvine Unified and enrolled them in a private school.  They did this for the following reasons:

? Class size has increased to 32 to 1
? Over worked educators that are not focus on learning
? Kids were not adequately prepared for the last STAR exam
? Increased furlong days
? Half the class are on disciplinary contracts

They bought their Woodbury home because of the hype of the Irvine school system.  Anyone one else seeing this trend in other Irvine schools?
I think Woodbury elementary is an exception.  All the other Irvine elementary schools near new communities have been taking turns under the top Irvine school rankings list.  I too live in Woodbury but will be sending my children to private elementary school.  My alternative was Stonegate, which so far has been doing well but who knows what will happen when the Stonegate neighborhood builds out.  But from what I've been hearing, they are rerouting Woodbury kids who use the excuse of wanting a "traditional school calendar" over to Santiago Hills.  I most likely will be sending my kids to Private for the first 3 years or so of elementary mainly for the smaller class ratio and then looking to move them back into public if they can get into a GATE program or APAAS program.  Kids will be regrouped at that time anyways. 
Starlight East said:
What's the issue with Woodbury Elementary? Other Irvine schools should have the same challenges with class size and furlough. Is it just the teachers? Santiago Hills will be crowded next year with all the WB/WBE kids coming.

I think couple of reasons for WB's lower performance are 1) used to be El Camino elementary that had teachers who did not have a very good reputation then (same teachers moved over to WB elementary), and 2) there are at least 2 low income housing projects in WB (I know of a family with parent in prison another with a single mom that works in a factory type setting 50+ week -- can't help the kids with HW, etc.). 

I am sure there are many nice families in the low income housing but some are not the "typical" Irvine families where the parents are not only into their kids' education but have the time/emotional reserve to help/support their kids with their education.

i dont think it has to do with low income housing.  low income housing only provides lower income folks with ability to buy a house but that doesnt mean a low income person cant rent in irvine.  the few low income people who do buy houses cant affect scores or teachers as there are many more apartments with all sorts of income profiles. 

rkp said:
i dont think it has to do with low income housing.  low income housing only provides lower income folks with ability to buy a house but that doesnt mean a low income person cant rent in irvine.  the few low income people who do buy houses cant affect scores or teachers as there are many more apartments with all sorts of income profiles. 

Maybe you are right.  I've heard from parents that it is a hit or miss in terms of teachers at WB elementary.  The main complaint being that the academics is not rigorous enough.

I also know of several parents that really like WB elementary.  In fact, I know of at least one family that moved their kids from SG elementary to WB elementary.  I also know of families that moved from WB elementary to SG elementary.  So I guess it is hard to know unless you have actual experience in either/both elementary schools.
I notice there seems to be a need for "rigorous" academics in Irvine and that's where schools will get poor reviews.  In elementary school... academics are secondary to me, I would much rather have a teacher that focuses on my kids' behavioral, social and relational skills.

I guess I'm weird.
irvinehomeowner said:
I notice there seems to be a need for "rigorous" academics in Irvine and that's where schools will get poor reviews.  In elementary school... academics are secondary to me, I would much rather have a teacher that focuses on my kids' behavioral, social and relational skills.

I guess I'm weird.

You'll never qualify as a "Tiger Dad" with that attitude  ;)
Per Amy Chua:
"Here are some things my daughters, Sophia and Louisa, were never allowed to do:

? attend a sleepover

? have a playdate

? be in a school play

? complain about not being in a school play

? watch TV or play computer games

? choose their own extracurricular activities

? get any grade less than an A

? not be the No. 1 student in every subject except gym and drama

? play any instrument other than the piano or violin

? not play the piano or violin"


Amy Chua with her daughters, Louisa and Sophia, at their home in New Haven, Conn.