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Does anyone else here ready the OC Register Real Estate blogs? I've kept an eye on them for some time, but MAN ALIVE has it gotten immature over there.

Does anybody have a clue who "Dealtracker" is or where in hell he comes up with half the stuff he says? However, I must say that half of the bears on that site aren't much better. It reminds me of a elementary school playground with some of the name calling.

Am I alone on this one?
Although I have been convinced that Janet was banned from the OCRegister, I still think it could be her.
[quote author="tmare" date=1241241457]Although I have been convinced that Janet was banned from the OCRegister, I still think it could be her.</blockquote>

It sounds suspiciously like her. I wonder if she got a new IP Address?
Where are you guys looking? I checked Lansner & Padilla but I don't see anything. Maybe they deleted the comments?
[quote author="CougBear" date=1241242742]Janet? Either I'm really slow on this one or I'm out of the loop.</blockquote>

Janet = Thoughtful, Truthi, etc.
[quote author="tmare" date=1241241457]Although I have been convinced that Janet was banned from the OCRegister, I still think it could be her.</blockquote>

Looks like you're <a href="">not alone</a> in suspecting that.

I still can't find these comments you all see.
<a href="">Here is some of the third grade mentality that dumbtracker is known for</a>. He is so stupid and childlike, that I wouldn't even call Janet such names. Seriously, she just misinterpreted the facts, this guy spews nothing but imaginary fantasies from his LSD laced Kool-Aid. I think I might know who he is, and if any of you bought in Ladera in the last 5 years, you would be pretty pissy too. Maybe not nearly on the verge of a total breakdown, but pissy nonetheless.

I'm sure he will disappear like all the past neurotic bulls on Lansner. Anyone know what happened to firefighter Nick who bought it the Presidential tract of Orange in 05? I know for a fact he is underwater, even though he said that would never happen and if it did he wouldn't care. Me thinks he does.

How about Johnson? Me thinks he used the razorblades us bears gave him.

What about EzMoney? That guy wouldn't dare show his face on Lansner again. I beat him down to a pulp with my facts, facts that turned out to be right, and now he is gone.

We should go through the Lansner archives and do a VH1 like "whatever happened to..." for the bulls over there. Just start with the posts that interview Gary Watts, and you can sift through 200 or so comments from the nutters that drank his Kool-Aid.