Daily Kos Linked To IHB

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Markos linked to IHB as one of his favorite bubble blogs:

(Just read the bottom conservatives :-P)

<a href="http://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2007/11/14/113852/57">http://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2007/11/14/113852/57</a>
Wow, 220 comments on that post. It's nice to see that we are on that list. I read those blogs almost daily. It was because of either oc_fliptrack or BMIT that I found IHB. And, Dr. Housingbubble has certainly taken his blog, and writing to another level.
I dunno...we got linked on a day when IR's musical taste went missing. We might have to put up some kind of disclaimer
<p>Wow, qutie alot of people there have VERY strong beliefs.... sheesh.</p>

<p>Nudie, </p>

<p> I don't know, i have very ecletic music taste, so IR taste is not crazy...</p>

<p>Another NAZI allusion! BillO thinks IHB is like the NAZIs? </p>

<p>My goodness, I was not taking the depth of hostility to you guys out there seriously.</p>
No liz, that's what he said about Daily Kos. I just figured I'd transpose their name with this site because they both make about as much sense.
I got an email from Kos:

You know, I shouldn't take pleasure in other's misery, but I just

can't help myself. Not when I took a long time to buy a home and then

got a higher-interest but safe 30-year fixed mortgage. I felt the

sucker for so long, and now I feel vindicated.

I wouldn't gloat publicly, because for some of those people life

really sucks, but privately, I'm happy that being responsible actually

paid off.

Great job. Keep it up! m