Cut/Chip post tension foundation concrete

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I had a contractor remodeling my kitchen. We have a new layout out so the plumbing needs to be changed. My contractor cut and chip the concrete and exposed the post tension cable. We were lucky the cable was not cut. We were a little bit scared and would like to have someone else to continue the work. Now almost all the plumbing guys we talked to don't want to cut and chip the concrete because the previous contractor has exposed the post tension cables. There might be or potentially have damages on the foundation so they don't want to take liability. They only would do re pipe.

Any suggestion who will cut and chip our PT foundation concrete at Irvine or nearby?
Sorry I don't have a specific recommendation but I do know there're contractors out there specialized in digging through post-tention slab.

Years ago my brother's home got a sub-slab water leak from a damaged pip under the slab.  The plumber had to called in a contractor specialized in digging through post-tention slab inorder to get the job done.

Good luck.

I would be careful and consider consulting a structural engineer. I have seen contractors cut post tension cables when re-working plumbing and literally the whole slab can buckle depending on the cable cut. Typically you can cut through post tensions slabs (when avoiding cables and critical areas), but even then, larger openings can cause serious problems. It can be helpful to obtain the post tension engineers plans to see the cable layout and expose the critical areas. Good luck.