Current status of Maricopa in Stonegate

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Does anyone know how long is the pre-qual list for Maricopa?
I have registered few weeks ago, but have not gone through the pre-qual process yet.
And I'm wondering whether I should even bother to pre-qual now.
From the email I got recently, it appears that they're selling pretty well, especially Plan 1, which is what I like and probably only one I can afford.
I wouldn't worry about the prequal list.  Most people people on the list are not serious buyers and it seems like the people who end up buying just prequal to buy something right away.  I'm basing this off the fact that they don't sell out the day the phase is released meaning they already went through the list and everyone passed.  It often takes a few weeks (some months) to sell out so I wouldn't worry about it.  The Maricopa sales people over-hype how well they are actually doing with all their email blasts.  They just slow down the phase releases to make it appear that they are selling well.
woodburyowner said:
I wouldn't worry about the prequal list.  Most people people on the list are not serious buyers and it seems like the people who end up buying just prequal to buy something right away.  I'm basing this off the fact that they don't sell out the day the phase is released meaning they already went through the list and everyone passed.  It often takes a few weeks (some months) to sell out so I wouldn't worry about it.  The Maricopa sales people over-hype how well they are actually doing with all their email blasts.  They just slow down the phase releases to make it appear that they are selling well.
That is very true, I have 3 buyers registered over at Maricopa and all of them have passed on all of the phases.  Woodburyowner is right on the money in terms of each phase release taking weeks and months to sell out.  The plan 1s seem to be selling the best with the Plan 2s taking more time (Plan 3s are very slow and why they don't be building many more of them, if any).  The emails that TIC and/or the sales folks send always make it seem like sales are doing better than they really are.
Thanks woodburyowner and USCTrojanCPA
Well, I thought 35 homes in half a year wasn't so bad, considering how bad the current real estate market is.  Especially when you compare it to Laguna Altura.  Maybe I should just wait a little longer and go for Alderwood w/ no mello roos.  :D  Or perhaps next offering in StoneGate.  There must be something else close to Maricopa size that TIC will be offering in StoneGate next year.  I hope.

So at the each phase release, do they invite people on the pre-qual list over and do it in a meeting format or do they call each person individually?
Irvine_Dreamer said:
Thanks woodburyowner and USCTrojanCPA
Well, I thought 35 homes in half a year wasn't so bad, considering how bad the current real estate market is.  Especially when you compare it to Laguna Altura.  Maybe I should just wait a little longer and go for Alderwood w/ no mello roos.  :D  Or perhaps next offering in StoneGate.  There must be something else close to Maricopa size that TIC will be offering in StoneGate next year.  I hope.

So at the each phase release, do they invite people on the pre-qual list over and do it in a meeting format or do they call each person individually?
They normally call the folks towards the top of the list to see if they are interested in purchasing any of the homes in the new phase releases.  If a home hasn't sold after a week or so of it being released, chances are that they already contacted a handful of people who all passed and it's fair game for everyone else.
Irvine_Dreamer said:
Well, I thought 35 homes in half a year wasn't so bad
It is if you compare it to 2010.

I think TIC really messed up with the 2011 Collection by offering similar bland floorplans. If they wanted to get away with the price premiums at Altura, they should have used significantly different layouts.

As for Stonegate, considering it's supposed to be a B 'hood... maybe a significant discount to Woodbury's 2010 prices (never really did the math to compare).
Just to put it in perspective, Montecito (SFR w/ motor court in Woodbury) sold 32 homes in 6 weeks back in early 2010.  I didn't even get a call from these guys for the first few months.  The homes were purchased by people who already pre-qualified before the models were even open!  In situations like this, this is when getting prequalified ASAP matters.  For Maricopa, anyone can walk off the street and get pre-qualified and then purchase a house in the current or at worst, next phase release.
If you are seriously considering buying you should pre-qual.  That said, I don't know how uptight iPac is on pre-qualing with their lender, but I would think that if you pre-qual/pre-qpprove (latter is better) with any lender you should be fine.  Even LV which is quite coveted by the people on this forums still have availability, so you can probably walk in and get a place there (Maricopa) if you want it.
Nous said:
If you are seriously considering buying you should pre-qual.  That said, I don't know how uptight iPac is on pre-qualing with their lender, but I would think that if you pre-qual/pre-qpprove (latter is better) with any lender you should be fine.  Even LV which is quite coveted by the people on this forums still have availability, so you can probably walk in and get a place there (Maricopa) if you want it.

for iPac, you must prequal with their in-house lender (BofA) in order to get on the list.  You can use whatever lender you want if you decide to purchase the property.
Irvine_Dreamer said:
Thanks woodburyowner and USCTrojanCPA
Well, I thought 35 homes in half a year wasn't so bad, considering how bad the current real estate market is.  Especially when you compare it to Laguna Altura.  Maybe I should just wait a little longer and go for Alderwood w/ no mello roos.  :D  Or perhaps next offering in StoneGate.  There must be something else close to Maricopa size that TIC will be offering in StoneGate next year.  I hope.

So at the each phase release, do they invite people on the pre-qual list over and do it in a meeting format or do they call each person individually?

Do you know the Laguna Altura numbers?
Nous said:
If you are seriously considering buying you should pre-qual.  That said, I don't know how uptight iPac is on pre-qualing with their lender, but I would think that if you pre-qual/pre-qpprove (latter is better) with any lender you should be fine.  Even LV which is quite coveted by the people on this forums still have availability, so you can probably walk in and get a place there (Maricopa) if you want it.

I've heard different stories.  When the 2010 NHC was out, I was asked to prequal separately at different places since different builders had different preferred lenders.  Sucked, so I ended up only prequalling at Sonoma, although I didn't buy there.    I'm prequaled only at one place (Irvine Pac), and the lady from Wells Fargo explicitly told me not to do it again at an Irvine Pac location...    If she is correct, I guess you only have to do it once.  But, she said you have to go through their prequal process in order to be approved to enter into a sale agreement whether or not you ultimately use them.    The lady I worked with was at Wells Fargo, which does not have the best pricing.  However, my wife works at Wells Fargo so we get a rate/closing cost discount... 
IndieDev said:
Irvine_Dreamer said:
Thanks woodburyowner and USCTrojanCPA
Well, I thought 35 homes in half a year wasn't so bad, considering how bad the current real estate market is.  Especially when you compare it to Laguna Altura.  Maybe I should just wait a little longer and go for Alderwood w/ no mello roos.  :D  Or perhaps next offering in StoneGate.  There must be something else close to Maricopa size that TIC will be offering in StoneGate next year.  I hope.

So at the each phase release, do they invite people on the pre-qual list over and do it in a meeting format or do they call each person individually?

Do you know the Laguna Altura numbers?

I don't know all the LA numbers, just Cortona since I'm only monitoring SFRs w/ driveways (and Toscana is not even in the conversation).    Cortona is currently still in phase 2, with phase 3 to be released within a week or so.    Cortona sales have been REALLY slow, even after the initial price drop.  They still have two plan 2's and one plan 3 available if I'm not mistaken.    I like plan 2, but for $962K + $6K per year MR + $300/mo HOA it doesn't make any sense for me (and I assume other buyers as well since they are not selling).    Only the plan 1 sells, not because its a great house, but because of the price point.  I think IPac should realize that its not ALWAYS about sq footage or price per sq ft, but what is an AFFORDABLE price for a single family home (a real one) in Irvine.    If they had a real driveway, I would have really been interested in San Remo.   

But I digress...    Cortona phase 3 will be out.. their indication was "i dont think the prices will increase..."...    Really?  haha..    I also do not think they will be reducing the prices.  I'm waiting for them to realize that this development is a pricing fail and to give me a decent price.    But 1.5 phases sold since this started in May?  That's also a FAIL... 
woodburyowner said:
Nous said:
If you are seriously considering buying you should pre-qual.  That said, I don't know how uptight iPac is on pre-qualing with their lender, but I would think that if you pre-qual/pre-qpprove (latter is better) with any lender you should be fine.  Even LV which is quite coveted by the people on this forums still have availability, so you can probably walk in and get a place there (Maricopa) if you want it.

for iPac, you must prequal with their in-house lender (BofA) in order to get on the list.  You can use whatever lender you want if you decide to purchase the property.

The only point to being on the list is if there is a specific lot you want (I thought).  If you are looking to simply buy, walking in with a pre-qual and saying "I want that one" should be fine.  Again, I don't like dealing with iPac, they play the game so hard they scare off good buyers.
akim997 said:
IndieDev said:
Irvine_Dreamer said:
Thanks woodburyowner and USCTrojanCPA
Well, I thought 35 homes in half a year wasn't so bad, considering how bad the current real estate market is.  Especially when you compare it to Laguna Altura.  Maybe I should just wait a little longer and go for Alderwood w/ no mello roos.  :D  Or perhaps next offering in StoneGate.  There must be something else close to Maricopa size that TIC will be offering in StoneGate next year.  I hope.

So at the each phase release, do they invite people on the pre-qual list over and do it in a meeting format or do they call each person individually?

Do you know the Laguna Altura numbers?

I don't know all the LA numbers, just Cortona since I'm only monitoring SFRs w/ driveways (and Toscana is not even in the conversation).    Cortona is currently still in phase 2, with phase 3 to be released within a week or so.    Cortona sales have been REALLY slow, even after the initial price drop.  They still have two plan 2's and one plan 3 available if I'm not mistaken.    I like plan 2, but for $962K + $6K per year MR + $300/mo HOA it doesn't make any sense for me (and I assume other buyers as well since they are not selling).    Only the plan 1 sells, not because its a great house, but because of the price point.  I think IPac should realize that its not ALWAYS about sq footage or price per sq ft, but what is an AFFORDABLE price for a single family home (a real one) in Irvine.    If they had a real driveway, I would have really been interested in San Remo.   

But I digress...    Cortona phase 3 will be out.. their indication was "i dont think the prices will increase..."...    Really?  haha..    I also do not think they will be reducing the prices.  I'm waiting for them to realize that this development is a pricing fail and to give me a decent price.    But 1.5 phases sold since this started in May?  That's also a FAIL...


So I wonder what the 2012 TIC collection will bring. I can't wait for the free food, and balloons.
irvinehomeowner said:
Irvine_Dreamer said:
Well, I thought 35 homes in half a year wasn't so bad
It is if you compare it to 2010.

I think TIC really messed up with the 2011 Collection by offering similar bland floorplans. If they wanted to get away with the price premiums at Altura, they should have used significantly different layouts.

As for Stonegate, considering it's supposed to be a B 'hood... maybe a significant discount to Woodbury's 2010 prices (never really did the math to compare).
Why is SG a B'hood?  Just because it has less number of parks dogs can poop on, no resort-like pools, or no humongous gate like LA?  Well, who has time to enjoy that after buying a home there, when you have to work 12 hours a day to pay the mortgage?
akim997 said:
IndieDev said:
Irvine_Dreamer said:
Thanks woodburyowner and USCTrojanCPA
Well, I thought 35 homes in half a year wasn't so bad, considering how bad the current real estate market is.  Especially when you compare it to Laguna Altura.  Maybe I should just wait a little longer and go for Alderwood w/ no mello roos.  :D  Or perhaps next offering in StoneGate.  There must be something else close to Maricopa size that TIC will be offering in StoneGate next year.  I hope.

So at the each phase release, do they invite people on the pre-qual list over and do it in a meeting format or do they call each person individually?

Do you know the Laguna Altura numbers?

I don't know all the LA numbers, just Cortona since I'm only monitoring SFRs w/ driveways (and Toscana is not even in the conversation).    Cortona is currently still in phase 2, with phase 3 to be released within a week or so.    Cortona sales have been REALLY slow, even after the initial price drop.  They still have two plan 2's and one plan 3 available if I'm not mistaken.    I like plan 2, but for $962K + $6K per year MR + $300/mo HOA it doesn't make any sense for me (and I assume other buyers as well since they are not selling).    Only the plan 1 sells, not because its a great house, but because of the price point.  I think IPac should realize that its not ALWAYS about sq footage or price per sq ft, but what is an AFFORDABLE price for a single family home (a real one) in Irvine.    If they had a real driveway, I would have really been interested in San Remo.   

But I digress...    Cortona phase 3 will be out.. their indication was "i dont think the prices will increase..."...    Really?  haha..    I also do not think they will be reducing the prices.  I'm waiting for them to realize that this development is a pricing fail and to give me a decent price.    But 1.5 phases sold since this started in May?  That's also a FAIL...
Maricopa in phase 5 vs. Cortona in phase 1.5
It sure sounds like a fail to me.

Same here on SFR w/ real driveway, ever since I learned about motorcourt home on this forum.  If they build San Marcos w/ real driveway for a price less than Maricopa, I would buy it in a heartbeat.
Nous said:
If you are seriously considering buying you should pre-qual.  That said, I don't know how uptight iPac is on pre-qualing with their lender, but I would think that if you pre-qual/pre-qpprove (latter is better) with any lender you should be fine.  Even LV which is quite coveted by the people on this forums still have availability, so you can probably walk in and get a place there (Maricopa) if you want it.
So I can pre-approve with BOA, and later use any lender?  That's good to know.  With BOA's current status, I'm in doubt how competitive they are right now.
The Motor Court Company said:
IndieDev said:
Starlight East said:
IndieDev said:
I can't wait for the free food, and balloons.

You only have to wait until Saturday.

First Class Pizza is not a bad offering. Tempting.

off topic..
but don't forget to get the free desert from KB's food truck event nearby after you are done with First Class Pizza
Free pizza and dessert...
Maybe I should drop by to pre-qual for Maricopa this weekend after all.  :D