Culver Plaza Traffic Annoyance

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Is it just me, or does anyone else get extremely frustrated with drivers in the Culver Plaza (Culver between Deerfield and Irvine Center Dr)?

No one can figure out who has the right-of-way at the "intersections" of the parking lot that involve traffic that's entering the plaza from one of the main streets - either Culver or Irvine Ctr.  There are no, I repeat, NO stop signs for those entering the plaza.  There shouldn't be.  Imagine if there were, and every car entering the plaza had to stop at a four way stop.  Traffic could potentially be backed up onto a main street.  So whoever designed the parking lot made those intersections two-way stops and for good reason.

Why is it that whenever I'm in the plaza, and I'm completely stopped at a very obvious stop sign, the traffic entering the plaza stops too and lets me go.  No, you're not supposed to stop.  There's no sign for you. GO!!!

The opposite also happens.  I'm entering the plaza, usually making a right turn from Culver and entering the plaza near... is it JJ Bakery maybe? I don't know, It's a Grind Used to be there.  Petco could be there? Whatever, that intersection. Anyway, I don't stop, because I don't have a sign, and the other drivers (who were stopped before I got to the intersection) decide to go cause they think it's their turn. 

I get a lot angrier than I should (bla bla, pick your battles), but I can't help it.  So frustrating!!! Does anyone else experience this?
princessconsuelabh said:
Is it just me, or does anyone else get extremely frustrated with drivers in the Culver Plaza (Culver between Deerfield and Irvine Center Dr)?

No one can figure out who has the right-of-way at the "intersections" of the parking lot that involve traffic that's entering the plaza from one of the main streets - either Culver or Irvine Ctr.  There are no, I repeat, NO stop signs for those entering the plaza.  There shouldn't be.  Imagine if there were, and every car entering the plaza had to stop at a four way stop.  Traffic could potentially be backed up onto a main street.  So whoever designed the parking lot made those intersections two-way stops and for good reason.

Why is it that whenever I'm in the plaza, and I'm completely stopped at a very obvious stop sign, the traffic entering the plaza stops too and lets me go.  No, you're not supposed to stop.  There's no sign for you. GO!!!

The opposite also happens.  I'm entering the plaza, usually making a right turn from Culver and entering the plaza near... is it JJ Bakery maybe? I don't know, It's a Grind Used to be there.  Petco could be there? Whatever, that intersection. Anyway, I don't stop, because I don't have a sign, and the other drivers (who were stopped before I got to the intersection) decide to go cause they think it's their turn. 

I get a lot angrier than I should (bla bla, pick your battles), but I can't help it.  So frustrating!!! Does anyone else experience this?


It's Asian plaza Irvine life. 
princessconsuelabh said:
Is it just me, or does anyone else get extremely frustrated with drivers in the Culver Plaza (Culver between Deerfield and Irvine Center Dr)?

No one can figure out who has the right-of-way at the "intersections" of the parking lot that involve traffic that's entering the plaza from one of the main streets - either Culver or Irvine Ctr.  There are no, I repeat, NO stop signs for those entering the plaza.  There shouldn't be.  Imagine if there were, and every car entering the plaza had to stop at a four way stop.  Traffic could potentially be backed up onto a main street.  So whoever designed the parking lot made those intersections two-way stops and for good reason.

Why is it that whenever I'm in the plaza, and I'm completely stopped at a very obvious stop sign, the traffic entering the plaza stops too and lets me go.  No, you're not supposed to stop.  There's no sign for you. GO!!!

The opposite also happens.  I'm entering the plaza, usually making a right turn from Culver and entering the plaza near... is it JJ Bakery maybe? I don't know, It's a Grind Used to be there.  Petco could be there? Whatever, that intersection. Anyway, I don't stop, because I don't have a sign, and the other drivers (who were stopped before I got to the intersection) decide to go cause they think it's their turn. 

I get a lot angrier than I should (bla bla, pick your battles), but I can't help it.  So frustrating!!! Does anyone else experience this?

That mall is ground zero for bad asian drivers. Unless security  stands there directing traffic like The District, things will not change. They might as well make it a 3 way stop already.

I remember similar problems at Woodbury Town Center near the entrance off Landmark. The internal intersection near the Cox store and the defunct Casey Cupcakes used to allow entering traffic through without stopping. But of course people don't read signs and would stop anyways. Now it's a four way stop.
princessconsuelabh said:
Silly me for expecting people of all races/nationalities to obey the same laws and for not believing that all stereotypes are true.

I wonder how you feel about DJ.
Welcome to Irvine, where if folks aren't doing 25 mph below the speed limit on Culver because they're old and frightened to be driving, they're doing so to allow constant viewing of their phones; where folks turning left on a green light, constantly turn into you turning right onto the same street, and look at you like you're the idiot for honking; and where folks think doing 40+ near an elementary school with kids everywhere is perfectly reasonable.
hey i just watched that episode of 'friends.'

and what do would you expect in the most asian of plazas in irvine. 

this is where the old asians who can't drive hang out (sam woo, 99 ranch).
I love how everyone's answer is, "What do you expect? Asians drive there.  Asians can't drive, remember?"

I'm white (obviously, I'm from Irvine and have a Friends reference as my username), and I can only imagine the hate I would get if I complained about Asian drivers or blamed the situation in that lot on the fact that there are a lot of Asian businesses.

It reminds me of when I ask my Asian co-workers if they like a certain stereotypical Asian activity.  For example, when they go to Vegas, I might ask if they gamble.  They say, "Duh, I'm Asian." What do you think?  I didn't even know that was a stereotypically Asian activity.  How exactly would that have gone over if I said, "I bet you're going to gamble while you're there because you're Asian."  They'd be pissed.
If you ever visit China or Korea, you'll then understand why the FOB's here drive so recklessly. They bring that driving mentality here and pass it on to their offspring.
Irvine drivers are pretty bad in general.  But I wouldn't generalize by saying it's mostly Asians (then again this city is 50% Asian..?). 
I've been in plenty of close calls with typical BMW drivers who obviously thought white privilege applied to traffic rules.

That entrance/intersection at Heritage Plaza, right next to the newly renovated Korean BBQ place is even worse.  And let's not even get into Diamond Jamboree...
Sigh. I had a craving for Taco Bell, so I went back to Culver Plaza this afternoon. Why do I do this to myself?

I pulled into the Plaza from the Irvine Ctr entrance near McD's and was in the lane to turn right. The car in front of me was stopped for a good thirty seconds to let cars WHO HAVE STOP SIGNS pass when they (and I) had the right of way. Go already! Even if you made the mistake of thinking it was a three way stop, then you would alternate turns, but no. They let ALL of the cars pass before turning right. 

Then, At the TB drive thru, the cashier leans out the window to tell me to back up a bit because the car in front of me needed to back up to the window because THEY DROVE OFF WITHOUT THEIR ORDER! Not that they forgot one bag of say three, but they forgot the WHOLE ORDER! Instead of backing up, the passenger gets out of the car and grabs the order from the window on foot. Smh.

Then while driving toward the exit onto Deerfield, at least three cars who were in a row of parking spaces didn't stop but pulled out ahead of the through traffic (making right turns to cut off the car in front of me). Seriously, I wish the car in front of me sped up so this wouldn't happen, but I can't exactly blame him for wanting to avoid an accident.

Finally, while I was exiting and turning right on Deerfield, I noticed the light was green to turn left onto Culver. That light is rarely green. Finally, something goes my way, right? Wrong. A woman in a Lexus RXWhatever pulls out of the plaza (I wasn't exactly slowing down to let her in because the light was green and I had to hustle), cuts me off, and is the last car to make the light. I had to stop at a light that is one of the longest red lights in the city.

I will not calm down. I will not stop eating Taco Bell on occasion (Obviously it's crap, but I am not overweight, and my cholesterol, blood sugar, triglycerides, and blood pressure are all normal). Shitty driving should not be excused because of someone's nationality/sex/status/whatever.

If DJ is much worse than this, then forget it. Never going there.  After's ice cream has locations in Tustin and HB, plus it's overrated anyway.

Having a bad driving day? I feel your pain. There are shitty drivers everywhere. Buy a nice dash cam and start posting some of these lovely videos on TI.
This makes me think of going to 24 Hour Fitness at Tustin Marketplace. When entering the parking lot from the north (near Islands), there's cross traffic in the parking lot. I have absolutely no idea who has the right of way in that situation, the cars entering the parking lot or the cars driving perpendicular to the entrance. I'm afraid I'm going to have a fender bender there one of these days. I wish they would paint some stop signs there.
princessconsuelabh said:
Silly me for expecting people of all races/nationalities to obey the same laws and for not believing that all stereotypes are true.
That would be ideal.

Stereotypes often exist for a reason.  Go to Westminster for a day.  They are much much much worse there. 

Aside from the occasional driver that gets on the freeway the wrong way, Irvine is actually doing pretty good.
RedComet said:
I've been in plenty of close calls with typical BMW drivers who obviously thought white privilege applied to traffic rules.
Yeah, often it's a white male, but no, it's not white privilege.  That's rich douche privilege and it's another common stereotype with BMW drivers.  Not all BMW drivers are a-holes, but chances are that the a-hole that drives like that has a BMW. 
Wobert said:
This makes me think of going to 24 Hour Fitness at Tustin Marketplace. When entering the parking lot from the north (near Islands), there's cross traffic in the parking lot. I have absolutely no idea who has the right of way in that situation, the cars entering the parking lot or the cars driving perpendicular to the entrance. I'm afraid I'm going to have a fender bender there one of these days. I wish they would paint some stop signs there.

There's some research out there that removing signs makes roads safer PRECISELY because people generally slow down and are more cautious. This assumes it isn't a 50mph Jamboree Rd, but it could work just fine in the Market Place parking lot. It does require that drivers take personal responsibility.