I did a search and came across this. Although not related to birth tourism, I almost spit out my coffee. Props for out of the box thinking by the immigrant.
Immigration Officer Indicted For Citizenship and Green Card Fraud (Santa Ana, CA)
A Federal grand jury in the Central District of California has indicted Mai Nhu Nguyen on three counts
of solicitation and receipt of a bribe by a public official. Ms. Nguyen, who is a resident of Irvine,
California, has been employed by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) for eight years as
an immigration services officer with authority to approve or deny immigration benefit applications.
According to the indictment, in June 2013 Ms. Nguyen accepted a $2,200 bribe from an immigrant
applying for U.S. citizenship. In 2011 Ms. Nguyen allegedly solicited and took two additional bribes
$1,000 from an immigrant seeking a green card and
200 egg rolls from an immigrant seeking
citizenship. If convicted, Ms. Nguyen faces up to 15 years in prison on each count of the indictment.
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