countertop upgrade ideas

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some quote for the countertop upgrade to piedrafina arena (instead of white cultured marble).

this is for maricopa plan 1

1. bath 3 countertop:  $183
2. master bath countertop: $496
3. master bath tub deck (deck only, no tub surround): $538
4. also wondering if i shld add countertop at home management (i have a chocolate glaze standard set up at home management).

for me piedrafina looks a lot nicer, thicker than white cultured marble. it even looks a little like ceaserstone. remember read from somewhere that piedrafina doesn't look good. just wondering the reason.

any comments? thanks.
Cultured marble is resin mixed with marble particles. It is the same material all the way through unlike laminate.

What I don't understand is why Piedrafina is considered an upgrade over cultured marble because according to this old TI thread it is resin mixed with marble - same as cultured marble. (I have not seen it for myself.) Sounds like the same thing but a different name..
By laminate what I meant was I was under the impression that cultured marble is that resin/marble layer on top of a wood/particle board backer board. I recall someone demoing a "cultured marble" sink countertop and it looked like an inch or so layer on top of a wood-like core instead of a solid slab of it... for cost savings.
my designer did say that pierdrafina is a kind of cultured marble. but thicker, denser.
i have a picture of them and left one is pierdrafina, right one is standard cultured marble.
look carefully, u will see the left one is more stone like, thicker and more shiny.


piedrafina  I guess has that ceasarstone look and feel which makes it more appealing.  Just the designs and patterns on the it are not so great in my opinion.  It's like an ugly cheap version of ceasarstone.

I'd stick with cultured marble or go with a higher grade stone
broda said:
piedrafina  I guess has that ceasarstone look and feel which makes it more appealing.  Just the designs and patterns on the it are not so great in my opinion.  It's like an ugly cheap version of ceasarstone.

I'd stick with cultured marble or go with a higher grade stone

The only thing about that is the cultured marble was a little plain, while the higher grade stone was an astronomically more expensive upgrade.  In general I thought most of the upgrades in the bathroom were kind of expensive.