[quote author="graphrix" date=1219493932][quote author="PANDA" date=1219471943][quote author="muzie" date=1219458605]
I'm not sure why you want to buy currencies so much though. Currencies are slow-as-molasses investments (normally) and since your income is in USD$ you're just running in place anyway. Currencies are also prone to all sorts of nasty governmnent interventions that make them hard to predict.</blockquote>
Muzie, if and when the U.S. Dollar collapses, the currency that will appreciate the most is Asian Currency, especially "Chinese". I invest in Asian currencies, not to make money, but more for wealth perservation and insurance purposes.
Graph, I have one question for you. You mentioned to me several times not to bet against the dollar. Can you please explain your logic and fundamentals on why you think that the dollar has now bottomed and will now start to appreciate against other foreign currencies?
First, I need to address that you contradict yourself in so many ways. It is why your strategy is so confusing to me.
1. You say this is your down payment fund, IRA money, and non-retirement money, which should be placed into low risk investments, but everything you are investing in is extremely high risk. On a scale of 1-5 investing in Asian currencies is a 10.
2. You say you don't do shorting, or options. So then why the hell are you betting against the US and the dollar? You are short the US and you are short the dollar. It isn't literally short, but in a way it is. Why don't you invest in the short or ultra short US ETFs if you are so confident that the US will underperform Asian markets?
3. Your purchasing power shifting towards the East vs. West makes it so they buy more of our crap, increasing our GDP (thanks China for keeping our GDP from being insanely negative), and we support their economies less because it costs more. Plus they buy commodities from us which have been rising way faster then the dollar has been dropping. And, now that the dollar is rising the scenario is vis versa. But, our economy isn't doing well, so it will effect their economy and their GDP, combined with awful inflation Asian countries have, it makes for a wonderfully horrific slowdown.
Now, why I wouldn't bet against the dollar. Well... as history has shown us time and time again, the ones that do get burned and burned hard. Ask the Japanese about how the rising dollar against the Yen crushed their economy for several years with awful stagflation. Couple that with Europe's economy headed into the same toilet as ours, and theirs will be worse because they always seem to screw it up more than us, then the Asian economies will suffer even more. The arrogance I see coming from China and their fake inflation numbers, is the same arrogance I remember of the Japanese.
And... at the end of the day Buffett said he was long the dollar. The last time I checked he was at the top of fortune 500's list of richest people. I would rather follow him rather than try to catch the falling knife you are probably going to catch. I will bookmark this thread, so I can come back to it six months from now and post more charts to see how well you did, er didn't.
The dollar will never collapse, but if the Renminbi is pegged to the dollar like it is, then it would collapse too and so would all the paper money of ours they hold.</blockquote>
Thanks for your post Jefa,
If i know that the government and the central banks will not interfere, going 100% into gold and hard currencies is a no brainer. It is the Government's regulations and Central Banks' intervention that puts me in fence with half of my assets tied to commodities, gold, and hard currencies and the other half in U.S. dollars. Many of us on the IHB believe we are safe having all our U.S. dollars tied up in CDs and money markets making 4% APY, but are we really safe if the inflation rises much higher than that? Bernanke and the government calls it inflation, but I call it deception. I can guarantee that Bernanke will choose inflation over deflation and gold is the ulitmate hedge against inflation. I will not be a bit suprised , in the near future, if the government makes ownership of gold illegal for amercians as well converting dollars into other hard currencies. They have already passed the line that i thought they can never pass. The deeper meaning to all of this is how do we protect our family, parents, and loved ones if the worst case scenario comes to pass.
Graph, do you still feel strongly about the continued appreciation of our dollar like you did one month ago from today? Have your thoughts changed any after seeing that trillions of dollars will need to be printed to rescue Freddie/Fannie, Lehman, Bear Sterns, and AIG and more major banks folding in the near future? Many believe that all of this is coming from our taxes. I highly doubt that this is the case.