Did you know that Irvine City Noise Ordinance specifially states that commerical pick up/delivery service is not allowed on roads between 10pm and 7am? Anyone else has issues with contruction trucks traveling on Sand Canyon and Irvine Blvd after midnight? If you have the same problem and do not know what to do, please respond.
City's Noise Ordinance Id. Section 6-8-205A.
Commercial Deliveries/Pickups
Commercial deliveries or pickups for commercial properties that share a property line with any residential property are required to limit the hours of delivery/pickup service to 7:00 AM through 10:00 PM daily, as outlined in the City?s Noise Ordinance.3
City's Noise Ordinance Id. Section 6-8-205A.
Commercial Deliveries/Pickups
Commercial deliveries or pickups for commercial properties that share a property line with any residential property are required to limit the hours of delivery/pickup service to 7:00 AM through 10:00 PM daily, as outlined in the City?s Noise Ordinance.3