Dogs are useful and should not be consumed except in last resort. With urbanization, few families keep pack animals on their property. If you had to bug-out to the mountains in SHTF, a large German Shepard (or comparable) can carry about 20 lbs of gear, less for Golden Retreivers. If you opt to bug-in, dogs are still useful as sentries. However as conditions worsen in SHTF, it's likely that your neighbors, regardless of ethnicity, will start eyeing your dog as a 4-legged meal.
My grandfather (on dad's side) used to live in Manchuria and kept a large guard dog chained to the front. The local Han and Manchus did not usually eat dog, so if you wanted dog noodle (bowl of soup noodle with round cut of dog on top) you had to travel to Korean ethnic enclave in 1930's. However as the Second Sino-Japanese war dragged on, conditions gradually worsened and he had to move the dog to the back, otherwise someone would've clubbed it to death and eaten it.
As for the restaurant in question, if they're advertising pork and serving dog or any other meat, that's obviously fraud.