Cell Tower: Pine, Palm, or Pole?

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A new cell tower will (scratch that... "may"?) be installed in Turtle Rock. The tower-maker decided to push for a plain olive-colored pole instead of one of the fake palm or pine trees because they think the pole will blend in better than a tree. They want to camouflage it with other natural trees planted around it. Which kind of tower do you think is best?


All the details are here:http://irvinehomes.ocregister.com/2011/04/07/cell-tower-fake-pine-palm-or-simple-pole/16339/
Hmm... wonder why this was not petitioned against like the one at Tustin Ranch (which really needs better cell reception)?
Wow. You guys are getting creative with potential cell tower ideas for Irvine. I can't believe this thread is almost a year old.

Does anyone have an update on what, or if, they planted that tower in Turtle Rock?

irvinehomeshopper said:

I don't mean to sound vulgar, so pardon me, but I am absolutely shocked you chose that photo over some kind of phallic symbol. That's what I would have expected when I saw your name and scrolled down to see the photo. Great. Now I'm giving you ideas. *Sigh.*
irvinehomeowner said:
Wait... does that mean there are TWO Chinas?  :-X

Reactionary alert!








