Calling all IAC renters....Split referral with me

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program


New member
Not sure what the rules are but I'm thinking about renting at Mirasol. Does the person who I can split the referral fee with HAVE to live there currently? Or can they live at any IAC apartment? I'd be happy to split 50/50 with anyone who can qualify for the $500 referal. Please either reply here if anyone is interested. Thanks
As far as I know, they have to live in the complex; the recipient has to report it as income as you need their SSI#; so be sure to pick up the tab later...
I believe that the person has to live in that property that you are moving to in order to get the referral fee. If you are moving to Quail Meadows, I'll be happy to split the referral fee with you.
Have you already taken a tour of the property? If so, you may already be out of luck. Source of referral is usually asked on the first visit.
i have, but these days i think they'll be more likely to let us have it since they're hurting for renters to fill the place up. At the very least I'll just get the $100 visa giftcard from