Sorry Nowowway and tmare, you gotta pick somebody besides Rachel Maddow. She's one of the reasons I stopped watching TV. (Hannity, Wexler, O'Reilly were the others.)
As for where this money is going to come from. Yeah, we'll have to reduce medicare and social security. We can move wholesale out of our military commitments (Iraq), and we can reduce military spending by half. But, since that will throw us deeper down the hole if we do it now, you can expect that to come to pass in about 10 years or so (We should be out of Iraq by that time anyway, so more likely it'll be Boeing et al that falls under the knife). Or, we can avoid all pain by the bankers coming up with their usual magical ploys. That would probably involve inflation. Who cares about 500 billion in debt when the average american income is 150K a year? And Milk costs $30 a gallon. 500 billion will be chump change! As long as you believe in the value of magical colored paper, someone can print some more of it, and debt.... is meaningless! Wheeeeee!