Well-known member
Saw this in an ad in the paper the other day:
After reading through the articles on that site, it looks like the strings attached are the following:
1. Five Points get to build 5000+ more homes (over 10,000 homes total)
2. $40mil of the $174mil is bonds, so another "tax" for anyone who buys homes there
Seems like everyone part of this movement is related to various sports activities. My question is "Is there really that need now?". I can understand later once the first 5000 homes are built... but if that means another 5000 homes, then will that even be sufficient?
"As an Irvine resident, and a supporter of youth sports, I?m frustrated that after 10 years and $200 million all the Great Park really has to show for itself is a balloon ? and now the Great Park is almost out of money which means they can?t build the park at all.
So if the City Council can get a private company like FivePoints to use $174 million of their own money to finally build the Great Park, then I?m all for it and ask that you join me in letting City Council know that you agree this is the best way to get it built? now!?
~ Guy Lemmon
Irvine Resident
After reading through the articles on that site, it looks like the strings attached are the following:
1. Five Points get to build 5000+ more homes (over 10,000 homes total)
2. $40mil of the $174mil is bonds, so another "tax" for anyone who buys homes there
Seems like everyone part of this movement is related to various sports activities. My question is "Is there really that need now?". I can understand later once the first 5000 homes are built... but if that means another 5000 homes, then will that even be sufficient?