Bad Manhattan Real Estate Deal?

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the other day someone was talking about how the white man screwed the native americans when they purchased the island of manhattan for $24 worth of silver and trinkets in 1626. i recall once reading an analysis of what $24 would be worth in today's dollars but couldn't find the link again. so i simply compounded the numbers myself and this is what i came up with.

assuming these annualized returns, the value of the $24 in 2004 would be:

6% $88.3 Billion

7% $3.1 Trillion

9% $3.4 QUADrillion (i had to look up what 15 zeros was... never had to use a number this big!)

i could only find the total tax assessment of manhattan land in 2004 (note that this is the assessed value, not the mkt value)

$169 Billion

assuming the land value is only 25% of the total real estate value, that comes to:

$676 Billion

if you use mkt values instead of assessed values, and include the mkt caps of all manhattan-based businesses, i'm

this is really back of the envelope and you could tweak this in a hundred different ways. manhattan mkt values instead of assessed values, include the mkt value of all manhattan-based businesses. then you have some historians who say the value of the traded trinkets was more like $72.

but you could make a pretty good case that the europeans overpaid for manhattan!
<p>Finally, someone brings and end to white guilt! </p>

<p>acpme, you'll win no friends in the PC crowd, but I'm happy the truth is coming out. Wanna tackle the <a href="">Trail of tears</a> next?</p>

<p>(for those with no sense of humor, please add a healthy dose of sarcasm and irony to your reading of my post, thank you.)</p>