Auto Pay Property Tax: possible?

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Hi all.
I am a bit frustrated that Property Tax cannot be auto-paid, while HOA, Homeowner insurance, car insurance, and credit card bills, can all be auto paid.
I no longer have a mortgage, and I'm getting old and can't often remember to pay.
I'm looking for a service that can auto-pay Property Tax, preferably semi-annually (November than April I believe). I will be fine paying monthly too.
Any reason OC Treasuer can't offer auto pay service?
Thank you!
How difficult is it to set two yearly reminders on your smart phone, either iPhone or Android phone, one for 12/1 and one for 4/1, to pay your property taxes? Absolute last days to pay taxes are 12/10 (12/12 this year because 12/10 is Saturday) and 4/10. I actually set it to 12/6 and 4/6 myself. Make use of your smart phone.
I use my bank’s online bill pay and set the payment dates for the future.
That's actually a good way to do it. Set two future payment dates (early December and early April) as soon as you receive the bill from Treasurer, since you know the amount to pay now.
Reminder on calendar does not work for busy man. Reminds you on 12/1 and you are busy on that day for something else. Then you forgot it on 12/2 and no reminder any more. It is better to set a reminder everyday from 12/1 to 12/6. But then you might end up down pay. Say you pay on 12/1 upon seeing the reminder, and then on 12/2 you see the reminder again, and you make another payment because you forgot that you have already paid.
Reminder on calendar does not work for busy man. Reminds you on 12/1 and you are busy on that day for something else. Then you forgot it on 12/2 and no reminder any more. It is better to set a reminder everyday from 12/1 to 12/6. But then you might end up down pay. Say you pay on 12/1 upon seeing the reminder, and then on 12/2 you see the reminder again, and you make another payment because you forgot that you have already paid.
Not reminder on calendar, but reminder on the phone. At least, reminder on the iPhone doesn't go away until you tells it to go away. So, if you're busy, you just leave the reminder until you've paid.
Reminder on calendar does not work for busy man. Reminds you on 12/1 and you are busy on that day for something else. Then you forgot it on 12/2 and no reminder any more. It is better to set a reminder everyday from 12/1 to 12/6. But then you might end up down pay. Say you pay on 12/1 upon seeing the reminder, and then on 12/2 you see the reminder again, and you make another payment because you forgot that you have already paid.
I’m pretty sure most people won’t forget from one day to the next that they cut a $10k check.