Auto detailing question

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Recently I received a Navman GPS as a Christmas gift. The GPS unit works pretty well, but unfortunately the suction cup mounting bracket sucks. It kept falling off and sliding down the dashboard, scratching it along the way. The bottom legs on the bracket is quite sharp and left ugly, dark depressions on my light-colored dashboard and I've been unable to clean it off with standard cleaning solution.

Can anyone recommend products that might fix the dash board problem? Or perhaps a local detail / interior restoration shop? Would rubbing alcohol used as cleaning solution discolor the dashboard?
<p><a href=""></a></p>

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momopi - I just bought a Garmin nuvi but didn't use the suction cup thingie because the instructions said that it's illegal in California to attach anything to the windshield. (Trooper, do you ever cite anyone for this?)

So I went to Target and bought a vent clip attachment thingie for like 10 bucks. It works very well, athough the fit is not perfect. It's definitely passable.

By the way, LOVE my nuvi. When you're driving alone, fumbling with mapquest printouts is really dangerous. I'm never going back!
<a href=""></a>

303 Aerospace Protectant works very well on cleaning the dash. Only problem is it doesn't have a pleasant scent, but that goes away after a few hours.
<p>ISM, no I haven't.....b/c I attach my Nuvi to the windshield ! I'd be a hypocrite ;) </p>

<p>I like that floor mount thing, but unfortunately I'm switching cars every day... and I have to say, every police officer should be issued a talking GPS ! I always arrive at calls first, while everyone else is still looking up the address on their maps. </p>
I have my GPS on the windsheld.

The California Vehicle Code is about the size of a standard phonebook. I can't wait to see the enforcment of the 'no cell phone' rule since it appears that 50% of the drivers on the street are using them during rush hour.....
<p>Well, that hands free dialing law will take effect July of '08. They'll be easy tickets, so expect a lot of them to be issued. </p>

<p>Also, I did not clarify...but ISM is right, you are not supposed to mount your gps to your windshield. </p>
<p>I expect the CHP to actively start pulling over every other car on the 10, 405, and the 5 during rush hour.</p>


<p>It's an easy ticket, but come on. When was the last time you saw somebody pulled over during rush hour?</p>

<p>This law is unenforcable anywhere other than Bakersfield.</p>
i forgot what comedian i heard say this, but he suggested instead of random license plate numbers, we should have our cell numbers on our cars. a honk is a much too vague form of communication.

"hold on i'm getting another call... hello?"

"hey its the guy behind you. MOVE YOUR A$$!"
No Vas - if there aren't any traffic accidents to investigate, you can bet your butt CHP will be pulling people over during rush hour. I've been pulled over during rush hour... ;) LAPD will as well. Not sure why you don't think this will happen...but if you decide to take your chances, good luck. Don't say I didn't tell ya so... ;)
My perspective is skewed by the fact I grew up in a small town south of Fresno.

Every time I go back, I get pulled over because I 'don't belong'. The officer is polite.......and trying to figure out what the 'outsider' is doing in thier hamlet.

Then I remember, I'm not special. This is the way it always is/was. In SoCal you really need to be doing something wrong to get pulled over. Not back home.
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Newbie27, I recently purchased a mounting clip for my GPS from this website. It works really well. You buy the attachment that fits your car, and then you buy a separate attachment that fits your particular GPS or cell phone.

Thanks for the tip!
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<legend> Attached files </legend> <a href=""><img src="" class="gc-images" title="Proclip.gif" style="max-width:300px" /></a> </fieldset>
[quote author="no_vaseline" date=1198817807]My perspective is skewed by the fact I grew up in a small town south of Fresno.

Every time I go back, I get pulled over because I 'don't belong'. The officer is polite.......and trying to figure out what the 'outsider' is doing in thier hamlet.

Then I remember, I'm not special. This is the way it always is/was. In SoCal you really need to be doing something wrong to get pulled over. Not back home.</blockquote>

Yep, in my old small new mexico town it is the same. Anyways good luck and don't work too hard.
