Anyone know the approx. cost of this remodel ?

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program


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The blue lines are new walls
The green is a new door
The red is a door that needs to be filled/removed
The yellow is a new door


I am trying to create a pantry similar to the one in Maricopa like this,


Any input is appreciated on contractors, cost or ideas

You should show this to Irvine Pacific so they can incorporate it into their designs... maybe in time for Altura... heh.

I don't think the cost would be too high... the only issue is how to cut the cabinets and countertop cleanly to make room for the pantry. Sealing up the door, framing the pantry and creating the other entry to the garage (making sure that new door doesn't impede on electrical or load issues) seem easy enough.

I would move the new garage entry door up more (similar to Plan 1 San Marcos) so that it's easier to access when a car is parked there. Also allow for you to put unobstructed shelving in the garage on that wall.

Maybe directly across from the powder door.
I don't want to cut the cabinets and countertop, just build the wall around/on top of it so I have some counter and cabinets inside the pantry  :D
I did not put it directly across from the powder door because we saw that in Capistrano plan1 and hated how the doors can hit each other if you time it or even take out a person in the entry way.
Ahh... if you could line up the outer pantry wall so it can be between the cabinet doors it would work... but I don't think there would be a gap big enough.

The powder door actually opens inwards, so they won't hit, it's the closet door you should be worried about.
Good point, I might have to lose the cabinet doors and the right drawer will have to go, still be left with some good shelving and counter space inside the pantry.
You are correct, it was the closet door and not the powder door that hit the garage entrance door in Plan 1.
As far as the conversations I have had with the HOA reps, I can do anything (with their approval) inside the house, no external changes are permitted.
I have even discussed changing those static french windows at one end of the kitchen to french doors that can be actually be opened (would be a very good feature for asian families) and they said it was possible with proper approval procedures.

Anyone with any previous experiences with changes like this please chime in.
I would say that it would run you around around $2k-$3k +/- if you can re-use the door for the garage (fire resistant).  You may want to verify if you'll need get this kind of work permitted by the city.