Any potential problems with Eastwood?

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
Farmland is great soil for your landscaping. Our old home was on old orange groves and for the first few years ANYTHING would grow. Seeds would blow in and poof........... more plants! We even had a multi stemmed palm that grew into a plant over 8 feet tall that we never planted.

You have to work the soil to keep it that great but once your plants are established should be no problem.

Plus, any time it's been farmland for edible plants you know it had no known toxic issues.
Do EW have disclosures against fruits as well?

I guess it could be a very long practical joke on your neighbors if you throw some seeds (of your choice) and wait couple years before they go wtf, haha
CV, WB, SG, EW, all farmland. I'd say portions of PS were too, but don't remember all of it since it's all over the place....