Another IUSD School Boundary Change

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Stonegate is screwed in any of those 4 scenarios.

It looks like they will changing to Sierra Vista and Northwood for sure.

The only question is if CV gets screwed over too.  It would suck if they were blocked from Jeffrey Trail.

Los Olivos is the clear winner.  They get to go Uni!
But now Stonegate will go back to Northwood High.  Northwood is much closer for Stonegage and the high school zoning matter more than the middle school zoning.

Hope CV don't get middle school changed, Jeffrey Trail is just right there. 
lnc said:
But now Stonegate will go back to Northwood High.  Northwood is much closer for Stonegage and the high school zoning matter more than the middle school zoning.

Hope CV don't get middle school changed, Jeffrey Trail is just right there.

So after all that spin that Portola would be the next Uni, IUSD will have to go back to SG residents and say, just kidding, Northwood is better after all.

Just wait until they built HS #6 and things get shuffled once again.

I can't believe Portola is full already... it's only been open a year.  IUSD was in such a rush to get it built; they should have just made the damn thing bigger.
I would think that is a win for stonegate.  I would rather my kids go to proven Northwood over the new portola high.  Is there something special about portola high  we don?t know about?
I agree, I see this as a win for Stonegate.  However, I also think that new schools tend to get more funding, newer facilities, better computers, possibly younger teachers with different radical teaching methods or more zest for what they do (not old farts like me), and I think these can combine to give new schools the proper tools to help their students achieve closer to their full potential.

In the end I think the high schools will be comparable, but Northwood HS is at least closer in proximity and commute to Stonegate than Portola HS is.
I went to a brand new HS and it was complete garbage.  There were many new young (ie. inexperienced) teachers and many teachers that came from other schools that had an issue at their current school (rumored).  If you were a well liked, proven teacher at your current school, why would you move to a new school?

For example, the AP Euro teacher was the men's varsity volleyball coach.  It seemed like he volunteered to teach AP Euro for some extra pay.  Many of our days were filled with him popping in a VHS tape of a UCI professor giving a lecture on European history. 
Over 4,000 students projected at Portola. I guess I'd be in the minority of NOT wanting my child to attend there. Quotas suggest your child's chances of attending a good university much lower even though they might test higher than neighboring high school students.

Talk about herd mentality.
Trojanman said:
I would think that is a win for stonegate.  I would rather my kids go to proven Northwood over the new portola high.  Is there something special about portola high  we don?t know about?

That's what people said about Northwood when it was open and wanted their kids stay or go to irvine high. Similar thing for Beckman and Santa Ana students were bused in.  Look where Northwood and Beckman are.

However I know and heard plenty students and parents struggle in Northwood and planned their kids to go IVC and transfer nor bothering with SAT and AP cause it's crazy to put their kids through stress and not guranteed a spot at even high UCs.  One can disagree and have different opinion.

For your kid is smart enough and motivated enough, I rather have him/her go not so highly ranked high school and be one if the best student than compete among book worms.  Much better chance to go to high ranked colleges.  Personal experiences and many if my friends did similar
Anyone ever thought it might be time to find a school board that has actual experience in education instead of law and business. It might actually help change from the lack of planning for the new schools and constant boundary adjustments. Latest example might be the two elementary schools adjacent to each other in PS.
It's torch and pitchforks time for CV residents.
