American average salary and net worth

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<p>Granted, these are 2001 numbers from the Fed...but the article was on today. I know we've all mused about the "average" salary and net worth in Irvine so here are some hard numbers to use as a benchmark.</p>

<p> <a href="">Where do You Stand in America's Wealth Spectrum?</a></p>

<p>And if the link doesn't work, copy and paste this:</p>

<p>As I suspected, my attempt to post a link failed. Cut and paste will have to do until some computer saavy person (ahem...graphrix....) fixes it. </p>

<p> </p>
I had no idea I my household made that much money. Unreal.

If you're in the middle of tier two, you can afford......a starter condo in Lake Forest.