[quote author="IrvineRenter" date=1228197760]Here are some easily adoptable changes that would make a difference.
If we have overborrowed as a society, how is more borrowing going to help?</blockquote>
OK, I'll take the bait. More borrowing CAN help. It just needs to be different borrowing. I have a plan for credit card debt which will help everyone involved.
1. Have the Federal Govt provide either liquidity or guarantees for for asset backed commercial paper, and other similar asset backed paper which supports credit cards.
2. If your firm participates in the program, there is a maximum interest rate you can charge for your credit card customers. I suggest the number start at 15% and decline to some index of the cost of the asset backed commercial paper + a spread of ~500 basis points. You don't want to follow these kinds of rules? Fine. Issue your own commercial paper or find new deposits and have a good time. Good luck.
3. The interest rate on credit cards can't be adjusted with less than 90 days notice.
4. There will be a facility for taking over or transferring credit card customer's accounts. Let's say you are Citicorp, who has been in the news lately for cutting of cards and reducing credit lines to lots of customers. This is surprisingly inefficient. Those people will go hunting for new cards. Many of them have fine credit. The facility would do several things. A. It would allow other banks to say "Yes, I'll take that account under its existing terms. If Citi doesn't want this cardholder, I'll take them, and I'll guarantee the cardholder the same terms for at least a year." Do you know how much money is spent in marketing to try to get new account holders? Do you know how much of a paiin it is to try to close out an account? B. People who have gotten notices could go to the site and ask for replacement banks under the same or better terms. C. The banks participating in the facility would be mercilessly policed regarding any deceptive practices, abuses, or failure to follow the rules.
That's the tradeoff. Be nice to your customers, don't charge exorbitant rates. Make it easier to find a new bank if you want to dump them. In return, the banks get consistent access to low cost capital for a while until the regular commercial paper market or asset backed securities markets behave more normally. Or perhaps, some different method of financing credit cards will arise.
The media has not had much emphasis on how banks are afraid that they will not have the money to lend, because they will not be able to rollover the debt the banks use in order to lend on credit cards.