Advantages of being a "first time Buyer"?

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A few months ago I was kinda looking into buying a Condo or something similar and was told there were maybe some advantages to being a first time Buyer, one Realtor told me one has to earn less than $109K PA so that alone counted me out (If that is in fact the case). But have the rules changed in recent months?

What would be the advantages anyway? If any?
you also have the ability to use some funds from your IRA as a first-time homebuyer without penalty (although you still have to pay taxes since that money would have been pre-tax contributions). up to $10,000, i believe.
<p>Oh and don't forget. You get to learn with great surprise every month how much maintenance stuff costs! </p>

<p>Decent step ladder: $125.</p>

<p>Gallon of paint: $23.95</p>

<p>Gallon of primer paint: $18.99</p>

<p>Paint roller set: $13.99</p>

<p>A real paint tray: $7.99</p>

<p>Plastic sheeting: $15.99</p>

<p>Blue Masking tape: $7.99</p>

<p>Sand Paper: $4.99</p>

<p>Some cheapo brushes: $5.99</p>

<p>A decent brush: $13.99</p>

<p>Wall scraper: $8.89</p>

<p>Putty knife: $4.99</p>

<p>Putty: $2.99</p>

<p>Spackling compound: $4.99</p>

<p>25 pack of outlet faceplates: $19.99</p>


<p>Doing it yourself ...</p>

<p> </p>
Don't forget copper piping and other metal costs are skyrocketing. Lumber and drywall have been coming down, but still 50% over what they cost in 2003.
ugh...don't get me started on Materials costs, I buy Tool Steels, Stainless Steel and other stuff on a daily basis, first of all there's a shortage, it's all going to Asia because that's where all the Manufacturing is going on these Days, which also makes it in short supply...which in turn makes it expensive.

But I know what you're talking about Daedelus...

Thanks for all the replies Guys.