Active Rain: Your source for kool aid 24/7

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I joined <a href="">Active Rain</a> recently. It is a realtor echo chamber where the kool aid flows freely. It is quite an experience if you have never been there.

I went to explore the <a href="">homebuying channel</a>, and I came across this gem of emotional manipulation:

<strong><a href="">The Home Buyers Poem</a>

The house that you look at today


want to THINK about until tomorrow


be the house another BUYER looked at yesterday


made an OFFER on today !!</strong>

This one is more typical:

<strong><a href="">Now is the time...</a></strong>

Now is the time.... Low prices, low interest rates, and a glut of inventory to boot. Now is the time... First time home buyer's $8,000 tax credit (the definition of a first time home buyer, by the way, is anyone who has not owned a PRIMARY residence in the last 3 years), the Portland Development Commission's Mortgage Credit Certificate, 3.5% down FHA financing. Now is the time... Seller financed closing costs, strong opportunity for negotiation, did I mention low prices?. Now is the time.... If you are still on the fence about purchasing a home, I have to ask why? Now is the time.


If you want to learn realtorspeak, LEARN TO TYPE IN ALL CAPS, and generally see how to get trained in the dark art of realtor manipulation, Active Rain is the site to see.
This is EPIC.

<a href=""></a>

<blockquote>Over the past 6 years I?ve been in real estate, I?ve done a lot of owner financing and lease option deals for owners and buyers. But until this last summer I had never had a situation where a property was given back on a lease option or a home owner had to foreclose on a buyer.

But, there was a difference with the buyers and sellers of these properties versus the ones that were in pre-foreclosure with the banks. The sellers (who also were the bank on these sales) were willing to listen to the buyers and their situations and if they could help they did. A loan modification took only one day and wasn?t full of false promises and the seller did exactly what they said they were going to do and so did the buyer.

In one case the sales price didn?t change, but the amount they were paying each month did, the seller lowered the amount they were paying and extended the length of the loan 10 years and lowered the interest rate for the buyer by 1%. The seller was happy, they didn?t have to foreclose, and the buyer was happy, they were keeping their home, it truly was a win-win!

<em><strong>But, what happens when the seller does have to foreclose? I had this happen this last summer as the buyer had lost their business and was filing for bankruptcy. </strong></em>The buyer called the seller, the seller answered the phone, and guess what, they talked it out. The buyer was willing to move out as long as they promised not to put the foreclosure on their credit since they had been paying up to that point. (A deed in lieu of foreclosure.)

<em><strong>The buyer was out in 30 days with their credit in tact.</strong></em> The seller had two years worth of payments totaling $48,000 and the property had only lost $23,000 in equity during that time and they got a $10,000 down payment when the person bought it. From first phone call to being back on the market was a total of 13 days! Net loss to the seller was a big zero, because they acted quickly and worked with the buyer for a win-win for everyone.

But, what if the seller had to take a loss? Let us say the property value went down more than the amount paid to them had been? What then? Would they have taken longer to make a decision? Would they have called their congressman for bailout money? Why should the banks get bailout money, while the government talks about ending owner financing? These owners weren't predatory, they were just trying to make money like the banks were, the only difference was they didn?t have red tape and stupidity on their side when things started to go south on the payments. They didn?t tell the buyer that they couldn?t help them until they were behind on their payments, they didn?t say sorry can?t help you now your credit has been ruined.

Maybe the government should learn from the private sector and stay out of business and let business take care of itself as the private home owners have.


Okay, I smell bullshit.

Six years experience eh?

I haven't seen an owner financing/lease option deal in 10 years. Do they still happen?

Wonder if the giveback guy's bankrupcy hurt his credit? If I was going to file BK for my business, no way in hell would I do an easy giveback. I'm taking the 9 months free rent!

<a href=""></a>

<blockquote>Tips In Dealing With the Anonymous Cyberstalker

We put ourselves out on the internet to market ourselves. We are blogging so that we can give a side of ourselves to the consumer and our peers so they are able to get to ?know' the person behind the words. There will be many times that we cross paths with another that will leave a lasting impression regardless if they identify themselves or not.

I've been trying to figure out a diplomatic way to write about something that happened to me a couple of weeks ago. I think I have the frame of mind that is needed, so bear with me in telling my story.

Keep in mind that the problem is not the situation but the behavior of the individual behind it.


Wow. Just OMG WTF wow.
Activerain has been Kool-Aid filled for years. If you take the time to read the archives from 06 and 07, then you will see what morons some of them are. I made some comments (under a different screen name than graphrix) on <a href="">Brian Brady's</a> posts back in the day, turns out he was wrong, and so was I... only I was not pessimistic enough.

Then there was my all time favorite... <a href="">Greg Swann the Phoenix RealTard </a>(I don't like using the term tard, it just isn't cool when there are agents out there that are not bad and really it is offensive to people I care about. I really shouldn't use it for Greg, because he is so f'ing stupid it is truly offensive to anyone who would be defined as retarded. People who are defined as retarded are much more logical than Greg, and can be logically reasoned with. Greg on the other hand is so bullheaded and moronic, that it just proves he is beyond any reasonable logic or economic fundamentals... and that he should be considered less of human than those who are considered retarded.)

Anyway, it was back in 06 when the douchebag got into it with <a href="">Keith over at HousingPanic</a>. Greg <a href="">whined and whined about Keith</a>, but he was no <a href="">match for him</a>. The best part, Greg b*tched about us chicken little's (who were... um... right, and the Phoenix market has totally and completely imploded.) in the <a href="">MSM back in 06</a>. What a tool! I know I have a link to a post of his on activerain whining about Keith and the AZ market, but it is on another computer. Regardless, this is the type of morons, who call people like me brown shirts and flying monkeys, when I and Keith have been right about this market. Can you imagine what the knife catcher who bought in Phoenix in 06 feels like if they listened to this douchebag? I bet they have already walked, and the home has a new owner.

Now, there are great people who write on activerain, but they are few and far between the Kool-Aid infested posts from douchebags like Greg Swann and Brian Brady. It sure as hell isn't fair and balanced, and it is even less fair and balanced than Fox News.
Activerain isn't the marketing tool it intended to be. The workings on the site are terrible and the spamming never ends. All heat but no light. I never use it.

My .02c

Soylent Green Is People.