<a href="http://www.portfolio.com/news-markets/international-news/portfolio/2008/06/16/Vulture-Funds-Sue-Over-Bad-Debt">Portfolio magazine has a great article on debt vultures suing countries to pay up</a>.
<em><strong>Some low-profile investors are making ungodly amounts of money buying third-world debt on the cheap, then suing for the balance. Can they be stopped? More important, should they be?</strong>
Despite what some think, Paul Singer is not the devil, and the only horns he has are for navigating midtown traffic. An aggressively low-profile 63-year-old billionaire and supporter of conservative causes, Singer is a bespectacled, gray-bearded man who shies away from being photographed but has rarely ducked controversy.
Singer?s main claim to notoriety is Elliott Associates, a $10 billion New York-based hedge fund he founded in 1977. It is Elliott?s affiliation with Kensington International, a so-called vulture fund (which represents about 1 percent of the hedge fund?s total business), that has led many to claim that Singer has bright red skin, a very long tongue, and a forked tail. He?s part of a new generation of investors?the vultures?who buy up the defaulted debt of developing countries on the cheap, then sue to recover 10 or 15 times what they paid for the notes. It?s a very good business, if you don?t mind being attacked by Congress, mauled in the press, and treated as a pariah by the do-gooders leading the global anti?poverty movement.</em>
I *heart* chartpr0n.