2008 New Year's Resolutions

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<p>I resolve to lose 15 lbs, maintain my roots, give more often, excercise more patience and visit my parents more often. You ? </p>

<p>BTW, Happy New Year ! I wish you all <em>nothing but the best</em> in this upcoming year.</p>
I plan to meditate more regularly and regain a deeper feeling of inner peace.

I have been getting caught up with anger in my judgments of others (which is usually deflecting my anger with myself for my own foibles.) Although, if I succeed in letting go of this agitation, it will probably take the edge of my writing, so maybe I should keep it? I guess you can see why I have been struggling with my inner peace at times...

I want to thank all of you for making this a great community. Have a happy new year.
Stop buying crap from Target that I don't really need.

And...purge the house of the crap from Target that I already bought but we don't really need.

Happy New Year everyone!
<p>Happy New Year everyone!</p>

<p>I wish the housing market becomes the market that you have been waiting for!</p>

<p>My New Year resolution:</p>

<p>* Sell more houses </p>

<p>* Meet my public obligations and goals (I might have over comitted myself)</p>

<p>* Maintain my perfect weight and my beauty </p>

<p> </p>
<p>I woke up today and realized that I didn't really decide on resolutions (my several on-going efforts pre-date the new year so they don't really count), so here is what I'm making up for the sake of this thread:</p>

<p>* Finish projects around the house, thereby reducing the clutter in my house.</p>

<p>* Acquire FEWER My Little Ponies than in years past because, seriously, I don't have the room.</p>

<p>* Make more memories and have more adventures!</p>
<p>Here are the ones I always make but never achieve:</p>

<p>- Keep my weight the same but lose 2 inches off my waist</p>

<p>- Keep to the budget</p>

<p>- Eat out less</p>

<p>- Win the lottery</p>
<p>Just a few things...</p>

<p>-Pay off the credit cards, Pay off the credit cards, Pay off the credit cards....er... did I mention pay off the credit cards.</p>

<p>-Work out every day and lose at least 10-15 lbs.</p>

<p>-Dance every day and try to get myself into shape to compete at Emerald Ball or the California open. </p>

<p>good luck</p>

-Hang the piece of art that's been sitting in my dining room for too long.

- Don't get mad every time I get stuck at a light on Portola near Orchard Hills because a particular left-turn light (that turns into a firestation) has decided to turn red for no particular reason when cars are approaching.

-Ensure my family knows every day how much they mean to me.
<p>Cali brings up a good point. . . what is up with the lights in Irvine. It can take me up to 10 minutes go from 5 to the 405 when driving on Sand Canyon. It is literally like a 2 mile drive. </p>
Call the <a target="_blank" href="http://www.cityofirvine.org/depts/pw/traffic/signal_timing.asp">traffic engineering dept</a> or write an e-mail. They do respond.
Commuter - whenever im going to the 405 on sand canyon i get on the 5 south and take the 133 to the 405, its much faster than staying on sand canyon from the 5 to the 405.
I might be a little early in bringing this post back but two questions for you -

1. For those who posted about a year ago, how'd you do on your 2008 resolution?

2. What's on the list for 2009?

AND so I don't get accused for asking without answering, I can say that I didn't do too well with my resolutions for 2008 - I was supposed to do a better job of staying in touch with friends and to find hobbies of my own. I didn't really do much of either but I did meet a goal of finishing two marathons and four half marathons in 2008, so I'm proud of that. For 2009, my resolutions are to:

1. Take a daily vitamin and calcium supplements every day

2. Work out or do something active at least three times a week

3. Take care of my skin by wearing sunscreen more often

4. Be more useful to my husband by helping him plan our outings and trips

5. Cut back on the junk food