142 Compass irvine 92618

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
2434 s.f. detached condo at $978k ($402/s.f), the current asking price seems reasonable.  The initial asking price back in March was $1,080,000, now $100k off.

I guess the high initial asking price, high MR, plain Jane upgrades and competition from numerous new builds in various villages are probably the reason for been on the market for over 6 month.  If seller had listed the current asking price back in March, I'm pretty sure it will be gone before the Summer selling season began

the.irvine said:
Very curious why this home isn't selling. This is in market for several months.

sometimes I shake my head when I see these types of questions on TI

The simple answer is no one wants it. There is no demand at that price point.

My general statement goes with consumer goods, services, etc..

Disclosure: My statement has nothing against the property. As I have not seen pictures of the property.

They listed it way too high and now the home is in a death spiral lower in price. The longer it sits on the market the more buyers think to themselves....what's wrong with this house.  And that when perception becomes reality.  I like to price my listing accurately so they sell quickly because time is money.