$134 Billion US Treasury Bonds....Real or Fake?

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US government securities seized from Japanese nationals, not clear whether real or fake

Bonds worth US$ 134.5 billion are seized. This is the largest financial smuggling case in history. But are they real? Concern over ?funny money? or counterfeit securities is spreading in Asia. The international press is silent.

Milan (AsiaNews) ? Italy?s financial police (Guardia italiana di Finanza) has seized US bonds worth US 134.5 billion from two Japanese nationals at Chiasso (40 km from Milan) on the border between Italy and Switzerland. They include 249 US Federal Reserve bonds worth US$ 500 million each, plus ten Kennedy bonds and other US government securities worth a billion dollar each.

<a href="http://www.asianews.it/index.php?l=en&art=15456&size=A">Asia Times Link</a>

This is something the MSM is ignoring. Are these real? If so is Japan tryiing to diversify ~20% of their US Treasury holdings?

If they are fake....which government would be willing to purchase this large amount? Wouldn't they go directly to the US Treasury? Why would they use an intermediary? Even a criminal syndicate can't cash that much money without attracting attention!

My vote is they are real...and this bodes very badly for the US dollar! On the other hand, Italy gets a nice bonus. Their deficit wiped out with a 40% penalty.