10 Hexham mother-son murder suicide house for sale

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nyc to oc

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Nice...I hope this agent is disclosing the crime!

Is it priced under the market at $627/sq ft for that neighborhood?

The last house in that neighborhood closed in December 2016 for 2.44M or $566/sq ft. They want 500K MORE, and with that history?

I don't think I'd buy it for any discount, or live in it if it was given to me for free.
I'm generally not a superstitious person, but this is just some bad karma...
Not unless it was razed to the ground and completely built from scratch (new foundation and everything)

"designer paint colors, new cabinetry, new carpeting and modern hard wood flooring"

Yeah, I'LL BET IT NEEDED that new paint and carpet.  :-X
Thanks for posting this. I was actually looking forward to going to the open house this weekend. No thanks now.

The house that sold for 2.44 had no view, was a bit beat up from renters and was on corner with a lot of traffic and a small yard. Comps In the neighborhood for a view lot are around 3 million.
If I can help potential buyers walk into this deal with eyes wide open and knowing all the facts I will consider it my public service for the day.

I always used to google the address of any house I was considering to buy (to look for events like this) and also look up any nearby registered sex offenders and crime maps, but maybe some people might not so thoroughly vet a property.
Rtlguru said:
Thanks for posting this. I was actually looking forward to going to the open house this weekend. No thanks now.

The house that sold for 2.44 had no view, was a bit beat up from renters and was on corner with a lot of traffic and a small yard. Comps In the neighborhood for a view lot are around 3 million.

I wonder how many buyers will know about the murder/suicide before it's disclosed (and it better be disclosed or else the listing broker will need to make sure his E&O insurance is maxed out).
Not that this would be meaningful for renting but I see most of the death properties bought by investors for a discount and rented out.  After 3 years IIRC, they don't have to disclose it if they were to sell it again.  And I believe there is no requirement to disclose death to a renter.
Yes people can still google but how many people really do?  And how long does it take before the bad juju goes away? 

I guess it would be weird if someone types your address in google to get to maps and they find an article like that...
rkp said:
Yes people can still google but how many people really do?

I Googled the heck out of each address I even thought about making an offer on.

But I don't pretend to be normal.
I knew the victim in this homocide & the house was sold a year later.


My son was classmates with Yolanda's son & also the girl whose mother and grandmother died at 8 Tioga. This part is creepy, in my son's yearbook in 2006 & 2007 his photo was positioned next to the two children who lost their mothers to domestic violence. This was such a sad time at Myford  because 5 children lost their mothers to domestic violence.