Search results

  1. socal78

    College Grad Ceremonies

    Hey, guys. Has anyone here attended a commencement ceremony at a university in the area within the past few years? I'm trying to find out what to expect. My son is graduating with his bachelor's degree this spring. Do college ceremonies have guests in the stands with Big Heads or Fan Faces? That...
  2. socal78

    Escape Game

    My brand new obsession is The Escape Game at the Irvine Spectrum. I've done 2 of their escape rooms so far. VERY GOOD QUALITY. Now I'm looking around for others in the area as well. Has anyone found one they love?
  3. socal78


    What's better seating -- patio or inside? I need to book a table at Javier's- Irvine Spectrum. I've actually never been there. They have also remodeled. Which area is either the least noisy or the least crowded?
  4. socal78

    Watch your step at The Spectrum

    Watch your step at Irvine Spectrum. 💩 🐕 Just got back from there tonight. I was greeted by a dog turd right in front of Kay Jewelers that I nearly stepped in while walking inside. Dogs everywhere. A lady was blocking the entrance with her super long leash which is a tripping hazard after dark in...
  5. socal78

    Aqua Fit / other

    Anyone have an adult pool exercise class they like? I'm looking anywhere from mid-Irvine to south O.C. I already belong to one near my home. The exercises are OK but plenty of other things about it are not ok like water quality, cutting classes, etc., which make me want to find a replacement...
  6. socal78

    Easter at The Great Park

    In my experience, people tend to be pleasantly surprised when they discover that there is actually an Easter service held at The Great Park. It will be at the ⚾️ baseball stadium. See Lot 5. Who would have thought? So here's an option for those who are looking for something nearby this coming...
  7. socal78

    Rienda // Rancho Mission Viejo

    I toured the visitor's center and some models at Rienda. There are a lot of new homes being built in the areas south of Ladera, south of Coto, and east of SJC. When you take the 241 S and get to Cow Camp Road, it's beautiful down there. A lot of that area will remain open space. But there are...
  8. socal78

    Vision City Church

    Hey, guys. Does anyone on TI go to Vision City Church? I have some questions. Orchard Hills School facility is rented by Vision City Church on Sundays. The church is in the process of moving to their own building. The location is off Bake Pkwy, in Irvine, between Jeronimo and Muirlands. The...
  9. socal78

    Dementia? Alzheimers? Intervention??

    No, I'm not referring to Joe Biden. One of my best friends is 77 years old and I'm concerned. I wanted a place to post this kind of anymously so TI it is. We are nowhere near the same age. We're just an odd match I guess. But it works for me because she's such a nice person. Anyway, she has...
  10. socal78

    Fires on Google Maps

    Hey, guys. Here's a new feature on Google Maps that will show you where all fires are. 🔥 Just click on the diamond in the upper-right hand corner then click on "Wildfires". See pic. It's a helpful tool for days like today when you smell smoke.
  11. socal78

    Newest Gated Communities

    What are some new or newer (2-3 y.o.) gated communities in the Irvine area? Especially south / east of Irvine.
  12. socal78

    Does such a vehicle exist?...

    Is there such a thing as a sports car or a compact sporty vehicle that does NOT have tight suspension? The situation: My youngest child recently got his driver's license. 🥳 I've spent decades driving a "responsible, family vehicle". I just gave away that vehicle to the new driver. Now I'm...
  13. socal78

    Anyone here missing a vintage stamp & letter collection?

    Irvine P.D. posted this on social media today: The Irvine Police Department is trying to locate the owner of a stamp and letter collection found at an Irvine community park. Most of the material appears to be from the 1930s and 1940s. A significant number of items are from Poland and Europe. We...
  14. socal78

    2021 Update

    :) Well, hello, TI. It's been a couple years since I've posted here.. Not sure who is around anymore (Iho... Qwerty... Momopi... Panda?). I was recently taking a trip down Memory Lane and thought of TI for the first time in years so I decided to come make a post. In 2008, when I first met...
  15. socal78

    How to text an error message

    A lot of smart people on here. Can someone tell me how to text someone an error message? What should it look like exactly? My problem is someone is texting me way too much. I don't want to hurt this person. I've already tried texting back with 1 word answers and only responding to direct...
  16. socal78


    My boy got his driver's permit this weekend. My baby.  :'( Now comes the fun part: Behind-the-wheel training. Be safe out there on the streets of the O.C.
  17. socal78

    I don't understand men

    Do men like domineering, mean women? Yesterday I was at the grocery store. A man was there with his wife/gf. They both appeared to be mid-30's. She was a total b****  while emasculating him in public. He barely spoke a word yet she had a really hostile tone. "Don't second-guess everything I...
  18. socal78


    I'm old & uncool. What are your guys' thoughts on LinkedIn? I do not have a LinkedIn page but am thinking of making one. Is LinkedIn still a popular thing or is it the Myspace of social media sites? I read somewhere that it is often used as more of a dating site for career-minded individuals...
  19. socal78

    Driving School

    The time has come for me to research driving schools as I will be signing up my big kid to take lessons any moment now. *White knuckles*. Does anyone have a local driving school they've had a good experience with? A friend recommended Master Drive. She said it's pricey but worth it since they...
  20. socal78


    I'm going to Kura Revolving Sushi in Irvine next week for dinner. My friend picked the place. This will be a first for me. Any advice? I seem to have developed a shellfish allergy within just the past year. So, idk if there will really be anything there that is safe to eat. How do you even know...