Search results

  1. M

    "Low income housing" abuse?

    I've thought about the stink-bomb idea. I brainstormed and imagined that the best way to plant a rot-stink drop is to place the fish into a plastic ziplock baggie along with a large piece of dry ice, and then leave it slightly un-ziplock'd at the top. The generally enclosed area will allow the...
  2. M

    "Low income housing" abuse?

    Yeah, maybe I'm just grumpy. In any case, this strikes me as a situation where the kid has a BS job, no motivation, and a track record of consistently low income while rich mommy and daddy forked over the cash for a down payment and any other goodies described above. In that situation, his...
  3. M

    "Low income housing" abuse?

    Absurd! <em>[deleted my unnecessarily politically charged and preachy shpeel about personal responsibility and people feeling entitled to things that others work hard for]</em> I give up. I'm going to buy my own island.
  4. M

    Regular vs "Zero" Grout Lines

    Home Depot --> Carpet Pros I was happy with the work product, but the scheduling mistakes were a nightmare. I had things lined up, and they were the first. They incorrectly calendared the start date one day late, despite 3 reminder phone calls to the manager in the preceding weeks. It...
  5. M

    Math Monkey at Trabuco Plaza

    Are there any mass-commercialized programs for tutoring creative and persuasive writing skills? I have found that these skills are lost on the younger generations - along with any semblance of proper grammar. OMG, TXT MSGS FTL!
  6. M

    "Low income housing" abuse?

  7. M

    2008 Census results for Irvine

    0 births from unmarried women!? wow
  8. M

    Regular vs "Zero" Grout Lines

    I went with the zero grout lines (looks about 1/8... or maybe smaller?). They look amazing. I was actually about to go the other way before your advice, I'm extremely happy with my decision. [image removed] This was taken with a cell phone camera... and I wasnt focusing on the floor. I'll...
  9. M

    6 Indiana, Irvine

    Wow, horrible backyard location. That entire multi-intersectional area is just busy busy busy busy. The winning bidder should invest in some double-pane windows.
  10. M

    re-sales potential of properties with the #4 street address

    The superstitions over otherwise rational people confounds me so.