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  1. The Motor Court Company

    The Meadows, Lake Forest by Toll Brothers

    Count me in but for me the overpriced areas of Irvine are restricted to the new builds north of 5. I don’t find new builds attractive…cookie cutter floor plans and tiny lots. Personally if I have to stay in Orange County it will still be Irvine (dream house and location is similar to USC’s) but...
  2. The Motor Court Company

    The Meadows, Lake Forest by Toll Brothers

    The problem is the extra $600k you will recoup when you sell, but not the private school tuitions. The more kids you have, the more money saved. But you are right, young family with kids are being priced out of Irvine
  3. The Motor Court Company

    Newer Irvine listings with crazy WTF asking prices from equity sellers

    Damn I feel claustrophobic looking at those backyard pictures…at least you are going to be intimate with your neighbors
  4. The Motor Court Company


    So we need IDs to shop at Costco but not needed for voting.
  5. The Motor Court Company

    ICE or EV?

    Toyota is dangling the carrot…the always coming soon solid state battery that charges in half the time and has twice the range…so buyers today should hold on buying EVs and wait for Toyotas solid state EVs…
  6. The Motor Court Company

    ICE or EV?

    ICE won
  7. The Motor Court Company

    The Meadows, Lake Forest by Toll Brothers

    Love or hate the Irvine Company, but they never miss in terms of schools.
  8. The Motor Court Company

    ICE or EV? EV for rental doesn’t make much sense because quite of bit people who rent are traveling and range anxiety is real. But high repair cost?
  9. The Motor Court Company

    New communities in Portola Springs

    That’s why I always believe the best location in Irvine is south of 405. But if you don’t mind old houses and can afford upgrades for a modern facelift, SFRs built by JM Peters in WestPark are the best value in Irvine.
  10. The Motor Court Company

    Irvine Crime Wave

    At this rate you would want to be armed while shopping at Costco. It will be lucrative for robbers just take the whole cart with items worth several hundreds of dollars, and the one with big screen TV would become higher priority target
  11. The Motor Court Company

    ICE or EV?

    Legacy autos need to do better…Tesla and Rivian have no demand issues for their EVs. For example, if Toyota does an EV version of Camry with good range it will sell like hotcakes. Legendary reliability reputation but now an EV? Bigger and more roomy than Model 3? Would be an absolute winner.
  12. The Motor Court Company

    Question about Tustin field

    The rating of the elementary school assigned to Oak Creek look awful though. At least it is not Culverdale or College Park elementary…also the same can be said for Tustin Field. Probably one of the reasons these trade at a discount despite relatively good locations
  13. The Motor Court Company

    ICE or EV?

    How much will this Chinese Porsche cost?
  14. The Motor Court Company

    ICE or EV?

    Surprised Toyota has an EV now. It is the leader in hybrid and fuel cell; looks like this model with a funky name is just rushed effort to build an EV for risk diversification
  15. The Motor Court Company


    history suggests pitchers of relative small frame (under 6 ft) don't have longevity....if he opts out after year 6 Dodgers will probably dodge a bullet, but would've enjoyed age 25 to 31 seasons before his body start to break down
  16. The Motor Court Company

    Presidential Elections

    So in theory a red state can prevent Biden to run using 25A?
  17. The Motor Court Company

    New communities in Portola Springs

    if I recall correctly, Calbears is mostly interested in one particular lot in Cielo. and he was not able to afford later phases (prior to his RSUs hit ATH) so better to have one bird in hand because no guarantee he could get his dream home.
  18. The Motor Court Company

    Like Kind Exchange / Cap Gains Exclusion / Old rollover rule

    There is a good chance the capital gain will exceed $500k by then….
  19. The Motor Court Company

    New communities in Portola Springs

    yes. renting making the most sense; my napkin math shows rent would be half of the PITI (20% down) or less for houses at this price range.
  20. The Motor Court Company

    New communities in Portola Springs

    That looks like a plan 2 and I really like the idea that upstairs LOFT is overlooking the open to above greatroom; makes everything looks more open and spacious. But I still prefer unicorns like USC’s current house…