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  1. The Motor Court Company

    Presidential Elections

    Biden out. They are trying to setup Kamala as sacrificial lamb
  2. The Motor Court Company

    Presidential Elections

    What exactly are the qualifications of Mitchell Obama?
  3. The Motor Court Company

    Presidential Elections

    Did Biden just get confused someone else as Jill?
  4. The Motor Court Company

    Presidential Elections

    that was during prayer. By the way, Biden almost said MAGA. We should listen to Trump, Biden said
  5. The Motor Court Company

    Presidential Elections

    Well Biden supporters, you should heed to his advice and listen to Trump.
  6. The Motor Court Company

    Presidential Elections

    Body language tells you everything. Trump should use this as campaign aid to get more Black votes
  7. The Motor Court Company

    Newer Irvine listings with crazy WTF asking prices from equity sellers one of the most talked about in China now. A pretty looking investment banker killed herself and one suspected main reason is they bought their house at the peak and due to real estate price decline they have lost all of their downpayment and...
  8. The Motor Court Company

    Presidential Elections

    I expect Biden will have a bounce back performance in the second debate
  9. The Motor Court Company

    Lower priced parts of Irvine?

    Was going to post the same thing. Tustin Ranch and Aliso Viejo also got good schools but you get more bang for the buck.
  10. The Motor Court Company

    The journey of OC2SV back to OC - with the aid of Martin

    you should change your name to SVtoOC..
  11. The Motor Court Company

    Presidential Elections

    Just watched the 1st hour of debate again. Clearly you can see these two are bitter against each other and both make inaccurate claims. Trump never really answered the questions and took most his time attacking Biden. For Biden, he did not instill any confidence that he has 4 more years in him...
  12. The Motor Court Company

    Presidential Elections

    America is in decline...we go from a President that not only can make coherent and inspiring speeches, but also can fly a fighter jet and go toe to toe with the Aliens, to choosing either one con old man or one senile old man.
  13. The Motor Court Company

    Presidential Elections

    Plenty of lies from Biden. Has full suppoet of the Border Security union? No he got corrected by them in real time. No American soldiers died under his watch? Forgot about Afghanistan? Or is it just “pandering” as you say…
  14. The Motor Court Company

    Presidential Elections

    The funniest part is two old guys arguing over golf. VPs are more important than ever…Kamala vs Vivek is going to be interesting.
  15. The Motor Court Company

    Presidential Elections

    Which is funnier, that Biden said he was for abortion for women who were raped by their sisters, or Putin wants to attack Belarus if unchecked by NATO?
  16. The Motor Court Company

    Presidential Elections

    Even MSNBC is souring on him..
  17. The Motor Court Company

    Presidential Elections

    in terms of financial damages, BLM riots cost more than Jan 6. Let's put this way, let's say you are on the jury for a trial against a prominent MAGA figure, you will be concerned about someone from the left doxxing your name and home address (and pay you a visit) if you don't give a guilty...
  18. The Motor Court Company

    ICE or EV?

    looks like Newport Fisker has a few inventory for the Oceans under $40k. Is it worth taking a chance?
  19. The Motor Court Company

    Newer Irvine listings with crazy WTF asking prices from equity sellers

    at least people see the timeless value of the Turtles, instead of the shiny new build stucco boxes north of 5.
  20. The Motor Court Company

    Newer Irvine listings with crazy WTF asking prices from equity sellers

    Unless Chinese real estate price hits bottom and starts rebounding, the capital flight will continue and FCB will keep parking their money in the US real estates.