Search results

  1. N

    EV/Plug-in/Other vehicles

    More like PPP for Tesla.
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    Declining Rents

    The alternative is paying $3000/mo for a 2500 sf 3 bedroom in Perris.
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    Experts admit global warming predictions wrong

    I was thinking about the '97-98 el nino.  When we get another like that, I suspect we will have massive damage all through Southern California.  My old neighborhood had significant green space.  Much of what was south of Jamboree was green space.  Neighborhoods were less dense with significantly...
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    Congress Elections

    Nah, Oregon is a half-*ss measure.  They decrimalized personal possession.  It's now a civil offense  punishable by fines and/or mandated therapy. Sale, manufacture, etc, still felonies. Legalize it and like pot, the wholesale price will collapse, tax revenues rocket, and quality will greatly...
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    Congress Elections

    Follow Colombia, legalize Cocaine. Going dent Police budgets though, with no civil forfeiture.
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    California Covid Bills coming up for vote this month

    Gavin wants to run for President.  He vetoed the legal injection centers yesterday. (Not saying that?s a bad thing). Just shallowly political.
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    Toyota moving to Texas

    My relatives in new suburbs of Phoenix complain about the CVS robberies there. My relatives in Fort Lauderdale complain about the CVS robberies there. My relatives in affluent suburbs of  Minneapolis complain about the CVS robberies there. My friend in Austin complains about it there. If not...
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    Coal Power to save the day! I suppose the bright side is TVA still exists to come up with it and pay for this plan, the traditional solution is to offload the eco-disaster to a subsidiary and let it BK.
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    Reuters Fact Check on Thailand study

    Yea, that excess case graphic. 
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    Reuters Fact Check on Thailand study
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    Toyota moving to Texas

    I want to move to Texas.  I also want to do like the Nuevo rich, mostly on paper, except for the couple weeks I spend at my luxury ranch.  The rest of the time I?ll remain here on the coast.
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    HOA's in Irvine & Roundup

    They're on their phone.  I see far more people on their phone while moving in the Irvine vicinity than I do in the Burbank area.  I suspect relatively light traffic volume is the culprit.  My stints of up the 55 in the car pool lane regularly have every third car I pass looking down at their...
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    EV/Plug-in/Other vehicles

    It could happen.  Actually, it will happen.  The question is this year, next year, 10,000 years from now or any other year in between. In the thirty years I've live here it has happened exactly, zero times.  I think Northridge had some pump and power disruptions for a few days, otherwise, very...
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    Oh please, with every Tom, Dick, and Harry installing solar, do you really have any idea where those electrons have been?
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    Hello Polio, our old friend

    [/url] I?ll just go play some Simon and Garfunkel now.
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    Colleges Weigh New Admissions Strategies

    That?s some grade A micro aggression.  :-)
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    I?ve notice that too.  Instead of paying twice as much or more than I was before pandemic, I?m paying a third less from peak but still 50% more than before.
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    I just assume anybody coughing in public has covid.  It might not be, but half the population won?t test unless forced, another group will ignore as long as mild. On our positives we?ve hunkered down until negative (3 days), we have friends that had in in the last month. And they?ve taken two...
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    The Hypocrisy of Electric Vehicles

    Running to the IE to deal with the rental is $20 in gas a day and $20 in tolls. I could choose to sit on the 91/15 for an extra hour or more and save $20. $20/day in gas and $100 tank fills start to register for most people.  Been seeing the pickups swiping twice to fill their tanks.