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  1. K

    Asian American Violence

    Another attack in NY 65-year-old Asian American woman was walking to church in the morning when suspect assaulted her and said ?f*** you, you don?t belong here.? Happened in broad daylight. Building security guard not only failed to render her aid, he closed door on helpless victim. Video is...
  2. K

    Irvine seen as epicenter of violence against Asian - will it impact sales?

    Even if you assume they get the full 1.6 billion (which they won't), it's a small drop in the bucket. Fox's revenue for the last quarter was over 4 billion dollars. They collected over 1.5 billion dollars last quarter just from affiliate fees from cable, satellite and online distributors...
  3. K

    Irvine seen as epicenter of violence against Asian - will it impact sales?

    It's not nothing, but doesn't change anything in the grand scheme. Legal proceedings takes months and years and usually get settled. And while it drags on, this fabrication becomes "news worthy" and generates more clicks and ad revenue. Regardless of the outcome of the lawsuit, it won't change...
  4. K

    Irvine seen as epicenter of violence against Asian - will it impact sales?

    If you are pro capitalism, can you really blame Fox / MSNBC for figuring out the secret to profitability? It's a business. They generate more profit by providing contents that catering to a smaller but more devout audience. News were different 30 years ago not because human nature was...
  5. K

    Irvine seen as epicenter of violence against Asian - will it impact sales?

    One of my closest friend is a political reporter. One big thing I've learned through him and my own experience of helping Andrew Yang run for office is to be more skeptical of activists & media. (The woke Asian activists hate Andrew Yang) Not saying they don't serve a purpose, but we all fall...
  6. K

    ?Smile for This Ch*nk!?: Florida Man Hurls Racial Slurs

    The bystander effect is very real. A friend on mine in New York was attacked on the subway. There were many witnesses but nobody helped. One thing he said really hits home for me as an Asian American. "It?s not the attack but the apathy that still haunts me. Trauma transforms you. You become...
  7. K

    Irvine seen as epicenter of violence against Asian - will it impact sales?

    You're spot on  >:D I remember wanting to give the middle finger after the initial few seconds of shock. But my daughter was with me so I did not. And luckily she was too young to understand what happened.
  8. K

    Irvine seen as epicenter of violence against Asian - will it impact sales?

    Dangerous ? I have a Chinese face but never felt that in Irvine. I will say that the only thing changed recently was receiving quite a bit of well wishes via texts and DMs. Mostly from non-Asian friends not living in Irvine. Anti-Chinese sentiment has been increasing in the past couple of...
  9. K

    Once again...nothing to be done but prayers and thoughts

    It is a complex issue. Support for common sense safety laws like background checks & red flag laws is bipartisan and now have close to 90% American support. But those will only help marginally. They won't do much to stop mass shootings. Not in a country with 350 million - 400 million...
  10. K

    Once again...nothing to be done but prayers and thoughts

    "No Way To Prevent This" says the only country on earth where this regularly happens I guess mass shootings are a small price to pay for the freedom to carry out mass shootings.
  11. K

    COVID-19 Vaccine Questions

    I meant to DM them asking if J&J is available at the listed locations. Not to lobby or change anything  ;)
  12. K

    Observations from the front lines of the Irvine housing market?

    It definitely seems overpriced. We saw this home when it was on the market The agent told us some homes in this area had shifting soil problem. So be on the lookout. Did you pick this house because you are aiming for...
  13. K

    COVID-19 Vaccine Questions

    CVS & Rite Aid provides close to real time availability on their twitter. ( update every 10 mins approx) You can follow their Twitter handle @VaccineCa Reach out to them with DMs regarding J&J
  14. K

    COVID-19 Vaccine Questions

    I have mixed feelings about this. I am not pro rule abusers & I am in no way advocating for people to not follow guidelines. But I feel we should not be strictly enforcing this at vaccination sites. Our #1 goal should be to get as many people vaccinated as possible. Turning people away...
  15. K

    Pool installation?

    Yes it's very feasible to convert. The main addition needed is the salt chlorinator. It's not very costly probably around $1500.
  16. K

    COVID-19 Vaccine Questions

    Appreciate the update. My info on Anaheim is not the most updated since I got my 1st shot in Anaheim more than a month ago. They were very thorough checking professional license & proof of eligibility back then. I think loosening up is the right move. Turning away people who already took...
  17. K

    Observations from the front lines of the Irvine housing market?

    I didn't mean any insult if that's what you're getting at. It's just your previous posts made it pretty clear to me that you don't know much about options. If you are worried about your options expiring and becoming worthless, then don't gamble / speculate with out of the money weekly options...
  18. K

    Observations from the front lines of the Irvine housing market?

    You're right if your time frame is 2000 -2005 . And I did say 2 + decade when I probably should have said past 18-19 years? So I guess you got a internet dunk on me  ;) I would argue that it's not "sophisticated" People can mimic this investment strategy by using the Robinhood app today...
  19. K

    Asian American Violence

    The sheriff also said the shooter was just "having a bad day".... I kid you not The shooter went to THREE different Asian owned businesses to kill. The narrative that is some sort of colorblind killing and the motive might have been not race based is just not very believable to me.
  20. K

    Democrats loved Katie Porter when she bashed Trump. Now she is making them squir

    I like Porter a lot now. I used to think her theatrics are a little bit over the top. But I've changed my mind since hearing Justin Amash on Andrew Yang's podcast on how congress works and "the rule that broke congress" Most people probably don't know that committees are legislatively impotent...