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  1. K

    Crime Soars After Democrats Smear Police, Cut Budgets

    Morekaos, why stoop down to Starman's level with gotcha words like "groupthink" & "sheeple" ? I used to think there's a level of intellectual difference between you two. But maybe I was wrong.
  2. K

    Crime Soars After Democrats Smear Police, Cut Budgets

    Honest question morekaos - if you truly believe nothing is going to change, why do you even care what Cuomo says? Cuomo has said some pretty dumb things in the past, but this really isn't one of them. His point is obvious and true. If we saw more use of force / shootings in (white)...
  3. K

    Crime Soars After Democrats Smear Police, Cut Budgets

    Not a fan of Chris Cuomo but are you upset with what he said? Is it because he said the quiet part out loud? He's talking about gun legislation. So look at our legislators. 83 percent of Republicans in congress are white. Considering the long documented sky-high reelection rate of members of...
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    COVID-19 Vaccine Questions

    Don't worry. So far my observation shows the most prominent side effect is the inability to shut up about getting the covid vaccine. Good luck  ;)
  5. K

    CR: Is there a new housing bubble?

    Using historic chart to predict Bitcoin's future isn't the best approach. The landscape has significantly changed. Last year Goldman Sachs said Bitcoin is not an asset class. Today "I think Bitcoin is on an inevitable path to have the same market capitalization and then a higher one than...
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    COVID-19 Vaccine Questions

    Someone on my Twitter suggested for the FDA to declare J+J the "Dudes Only" vaccine, since the clotting only affected women. And then print t-shirts that say "It Takes a Real Man to Handle This Johnson" Maybe this could get some macho anti-vaxxer men off the fence and get vaccinated.
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    Crime Soars After Democrats Smear Police, Cut Budgets

    State of America in my social media: "Which shooting are you talking about?"
  8. K

    CR: Is there a new housing bubble?

    Not a housing bubble. The run up in home prices had been relatively mild, compared to other asset classes. S&P is up over 40% since April 2020, Nasdaq is up over 60%. Bitcoin jumped over 800% since last April. There's also institutional buying into RE...
  9. K

    Dispelling Leftist/Atheist Nonsense

    Starman, People who accuse others of having a radical leftist agenda mostly belong to a religion founded by a man with a radical leftist agenda.
  10. K

    Where the market is - Buyer Offers

    Your all caps yelling scared away all the bears! They all went into hiding so they don't have to face your wrath.  Happy now ? ;)
  11. K

    Proof of the Conservative's Mythical Sky God

    Just saw this New York Times article News: Evidence is mounting that a tiny subatomic particle is being influenced by forms of matter and energy that are not yet known to science but which may nevertheless affect the nature and evolution of the universe. "Experiments with particles known as...
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    Junk fooding

    This thread seriously needs to be auto-hidden past 8pm.  :'(
  13. K

    Proof of the Conservative's Mythical Sky God

    Glad you found it funny ;)
  14. K

    Proof of the Conservative's Mythical Sky God

    The Bible is 100% accurate, especially when thrown at close range.
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    Proof of the Conservative's Mythical Sky God

    Personally, I don't really care if there is a God or not. We are already on the path to godlessness in America In 2000, 70% of Americans belonged to a religious congregation. Already down to 47% by 2020. This is looking like a very rapid trend of secularization of the country with no sign of...
  16. K

    Escalation Clause

    Great list by USC. I see these 2 factors quite a bit in my circle. Common among friends and colleagues in my age group (just turned 40) - many had saved up money to buy homes but were scared off by the 07-09 crash and the double dip in 11. Were not dumb enough to let down payment sit in cash...
  17. K

    Real estate musical chair

    A friend of mine became "D" late last year. His job transitioned to 100% remote work. He sold his south OC home, got a sweet deal on a 2 year lease of a fully furnished Maui vacation rental (owner converted due to covid recession) Some remote work is here to stay permanently. I think we will...
  18. K

    Escalation Clause

    Be very wary if it's a dual agent situation. My real life experience was as the seller a few years ago on an investment property. I had 3 offers at 480k listing price. The 3rd offer was using my agent (a first time homebuyer) and it had an escalating clause of 3k. Ended up selling the condo...
  19. K

    Irvine seen as epicenter of violence against Asian - will it impact sales?

    I agree with you on orange jumpsuits. We've seen too many who made the decisions that led to the crisis not only got off scot-free, but also became rich off of the spoils. The criminal justice system looked the other way because there was no mechanism to prosecute decision-makers. Nothing...
  20. K

    Irvine seen as epicenter of violence against Asian - will it impact sales?

    I agree with your stance personally, but you're making a moral argument. It's easy when it's black and white. When it's a business decision, moral arguments often don't win out. Businesses will weigh the cost of fines & blowbacks vs. the profits of damping mass toxins. It's a systemic problem...