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  1. K

    How soon until Bitcoin crashes?

    @ morekaos - I appreciate you taking the time to respond. But like much of our past discussions on various topics, you keep moving the goal posts. Even as a crypto enthusiast, I will admit there are legitimate and well articulated arguments against Bitcoin and cryptos. But what you've said...
  2. K

    How soon until Bitcoin crashes?

    CV with all due respect, it's a lot more nuanced than that. Tesla needs to stay ESG and the stock could be removed from ESG portfolios if they didn't do this. Tesla also needs to collect a lot of subsidies tied to its environmental mission. It is a business move, calling it a Ponzi scheme is...
  3. K

    How soon until Bitcoin crashes?

    There are definitely crypto junks. There needs to be more regulations. But if your worry is about hacking legit crypto like Bitcoin, you really shouldn't be. Nothing is impossible, but the prevailing consensus is that hacking bitcoin is extremely difficult. (a hacker will have to breach a...
  4. K

    Andrew Yang running for NYC Mayor

    I love Yang. I hope he wins  :)
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    Asian American Violence

    The Boston Globe just publish a survey with interesting results. -80% of Asian Americans report experiencing discrimination -37% of white Americans say they were unaware of increase in hate crimes against Asian Americans -46% of Republicans report being unaware of growing anti-Asian hate...
  6. K

    Where the market is - Buyer Offers

    Japan actually went through decades of depreciation, not inflation. Probably not the base case study if you're trying to demonstrate asset inflation. The only things we are possibly tracking Japan, in terms of fiscal & monetary policy,  would be negative interest rate and blowing through the...
  7. K

    Where the market is - Buyer Offers

    At least this one?s got a decent backyard and a good driveway Just saw an attached condo with no yard and no driveway in Aliso Viejo sold for 1.04 million. Tough to be a buyer these days
  8. K

    Own rental property? Your thoughts on how this could impact you:

    I don't get the hating either. The root of this probably comes from confusing economic value with human value. I get the arguments from fiscal conservatives about government spending, but should the government only subsidize things with economic value? Is that beneficial to society?
  9. K

    Own rental property? Your thoughts on how this could impact you:

    Qwerty with the smart flex, going after the tax exempt status!
  10. K

    Own rental property? Your thoughts on how this could impact you:

    It's more than a recent trend. We've under-invested in technical, vocational, trade schooling for decades. Only 6% of American Highschool students are in trades/vocational/technical tracks. In Germany, that number is 59%. Look at that gulf. The narrative that college is the end-all and be-all...
  11. K

    Own rental property? Your thoughts on how this could impact you:

    Counter-argument - STEM jobs make up approximately 8% of the entire US job market. Creating such incentives will no doubt funnel more people into STEM field. Might be ok for a short term solution, but not sustainable long term.
  12. K

    Own rental property? Your thoughts on how this could impact you:

    Many progressives are for free college education.  I?m for the spirit of that but think it is the wrong public policy. 44% of recent college graduates are underemployed, doing jobs that didn't require the college degree. 94% of new jobs created are temp jobs. Their paths forward aren?t...
  13. K

    Own rental property? Your thoughts on how this could impact you:

    Actually might not be a bad idea. Texas and Florida certainly will have money to pay for a new border wall, unlike Mexico. It would also make us all safer cuz all the anti-vaxxers would move there. And when it gets bad, Elon Musk can take the richest ones on a rocket escape to Mars.
  14. K

    Own rental property? Your thoughts on how this could impact you:

    @SGIP We may disagree on policy and differ ideologically, but always appreciate your perspective. You are on point about pitchforks, torches, and anarchy. I think we are in the midst of a low grade revolution. Not guaranteed to blow, but the amount of kindling is alarming. @Sleepy - There are...
  15. K

    Own rental property? Your thoughts on how this could impact you:

    I am not a Bernie supporter (I'm against free college, against federal min wage, public option > M4A etc) But I think using Bernie to illustrate your point actually misses the mark. Bernie has been in congress since 1991. He was the longest-serving independent in U.S. congressional history...
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    There is no vaccine against stupid. And if there were, the stupid wouldn't take it.
  17. K

    Newer Irvine listings with crazy WTF asking prices from equity sellers

    Sorry to be a Debbie Downer, but that backyard is an eyesore to say the least.
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    Rogan already walked back his statement "I?m not a doctor, I?m a f***ing moron. I?m not a respected source of information, even for me.?
  19. K

    Newer Irvine listings with crazy WTF asking prices from equity sellers

    Irvine price has definitely been up from what I've seen. Also agree with USC that it's not just Irvine. It's everywhere else too. But what's interesting to me is the price increase in Irvine seems to be less compared to a few other cities that I keep tabs on (in terms of % gain) Eastvale...
  20. K


    Reading morekaos' posts often makes me think that we live in completely different realities. I just saw on CBS news the polling results from the Chauvin trail. 91% of Dems said the verdict was correct, while only 54% of Republicans said the verdict was correct. It's truly shocking to me...