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  1. K

    Oscar slap!

    At the 1973 Oscars, Native American actor Sacheen Littlefeather took the stage for Marlon Brando. She declined the award for Brando and asked that Indigenous people not to be dehumanized in film. She was boo'd & mocked by Clint Eastwood. John Wayne was held back by six security guards because...
  2. K


    It was a good demonstration of the power of group psychology. The room is a hermetically sealed bubble where all mores can be eradicated in a second. The pull to conform to what is happening around you is a powerful tide. Applause for assault in a tuxedo in California is the same as applause...
  3. K

    Looking for a Polestar 2 owner

    Sorry IHO, unfortunately, it has turned into a private event. They were able to secure track time & actually got a sponsor. But now every car owner needs to sign legal docs, release forms and waivers, so they decided to make it private.
  4. K

    How low can we go? 30 yr fixed at 3.75% with no fees...

    I think it will vary widely depending on the industry / sector. Manufacturing, electronics, energy, auto, food, I expect will stabilize in the longer term. Sectors where supply can't easily increase to meet demand,  like housing, healthcare, higher education will continue to spike.
  5. K

    How low can we go? 30 yr fixed at 3.75% with no fees...

    It's fine to blame the Federal Reserve, but let's not conflate fiscal policy and monetary policy. We don't get here without years of loose fiscal policy. We've been pumping aggregate demand directly through increase in government spending for decades. Now people are shocked we finally have...
  6. K

    Newer Irvine listings with crazy WTF asking prices from equity sellers

    And here comes the overeager soccer mom playing referee. The rest of us just got popcorns, ready to watch the show
  7. K

    Is there a Global Crisis on its way?

    Saying nobody cares isn't very accurate. It was always a polarizing issue with huge partisan divide. Maybe at the start of the war, you could stretch a bit and claim that nobody cared. In 2003, 89% Republicans and 53% Democrats said using military force was the right decision. But it quickly...
  8. K

    Is there a Global Crisis on its way?

    I think it's crazy that gender equality in our military gets talked about like a top issue. Not the fact that the Pentagon failed every audit ever conducted, while our military budget has grown more than 2x from 320 billion in 2000 to 778 billion in 2020. Nobody seems to even question why we...
  9. K

    Housing Analysis

    Probably mentioned it a few years back, so likely buried deep somewhere in this thread. Been part of the alumni mentorship program for my alma mater for almost a decade now. They are postgraduates healthcare professionals. My main focus is private practice management but not limited to it...
  10. K

    Housing Analysis

    This has always been sold to the American public as a viable solution, but in reality it's not. Modern economic transformation can't easily be solved by "teaching a man to fish". The manufacturing sector has lost about 5 million jobs since 2000. Almost three-quarters of manufacturing workers...
  11. K

    Housing Analysis

    Don't really understand the vitriol aimed at the people at or near the bottom. May I suggest looking at the combined share of total US wealth held by *just* the top 1% ? The top 1% own more than the bottom 90% COMBINED The struggling people at the bottom is not the problem.
  12. K


    It's unfortunate most people don't know it's the speculators gaming the oil future. The laws of supply and demand no longer applied in the oil markets. Instead, an artificial market developed & artificial markets are extremely volatile
  13. K

    Housing Analysis

    Millennials, as a block, doesn't even look at real tangible assets the same way as Boomers & Gen Xs. Look at the recent rise and the disparity between gold & bitcoin for example. Both are essentially financial religions but look at the diverging trend. It's a bit interesting that the 20% YOY...
  14. K

    Housing Analysis

    Ichiro is actually a great example for the generational shift we're talking about. A rare true five tool player who will be in the hall of fame. But in today's sabermetrics / advanced stats driven game, he will be severely undervalued. There's nothing wrong with single hitting, especially at...
  15. K

    Housing Analysis

    Many of them are ready financially, especially the older millennials. It's a lifestyle and financial choice not to. This is a generational shift. If you're ever curious, there's a TV series by CNBC on how millennials spend their money that can shed light on this. They have software engineers...
  16. K

    Housing Analysis

    IHO, we will probably never agree on whether one should try to time the market. We're probably both victims of our own success and subject to our own proximity bias. So it's ok we never agree on this :) I understand and see the allure of your way. Buying a home is a decision you're not afraid...
  17. K

    Housing Analysis

    Agree most of these prediction are valueless without quantification. But a lot of bearish arguments & reasons made in this long thread were not valueless. Like myself arguing for investing in stocks, equities and crypto instead of housing. Or Liarloan using rental parity to establish his view...
  18. K


    Except the  "Pandemic UBI" was no where near a real UBI. It was not universal, not deficit neutral, not based on a consumption tax, as Yang proposed. Drawing the parallel of stimulus to UBI is pretty ridiculous. It's like saying Serena Williams plays tennis, and so do I. A lot of the...
  19. K


    Finally someone gets me. Thank you IHO! Morekaos invoking rape references had me questioning my sanity.
  20. K


    Don't quite understand your argument / point America gets 1% of its oil from Russia. Yet one side focuses the blame on Biden & the other side blames Russia. Very few mentions of Exxon, Chevron, BP and Shell profits are at their highest level in over 7 years.