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  1. K

    New Listing - Corte Bella Plan 2 detached condo @ Orchard Hills (101 Mustang)

    Build density is definitely my top dislike. The proximity to Landfill and All American Asphalt is a turnoff for me. Also the weather is just better south of the 405.
  2. K

    Observations from the front lines of the Irvine housing market?

    Agree local residents still has it tough. Rate hikes would probably hurt local buyers more than foreign investors tho. There are other measures / policy from other states & countries that California can adopt to dis-incentivize foreign investment & help out local resident buyers. For example...
  3. K

    Observations from the front lines of the Irvine housing market?

    Both. Going cash is the current popular move. Although consolidation was their biggest goal. One of the homes was always empty, and the grandparents' home was rarely used. They were rarely here physically. The grandchild went to college on the east coast & the parents bought a home in Newport...
  4. K

    Observations from the front lines of the Irvine housing market?

    Be careful where you get your news. As someone with first hand knowledge on this (my parents run businesses in China),  the lockdown now is actually not more draconian than the initial lockdown 2 years ago. The initial lockdown enforcement brought on actual military + armor units + riot...
  5. K

    Housing Analysis

    It's nice to see TI member who tend to be bullish add in the additional caveat "barring any big black swan events" in their takes. I remember prior to COVID, whenever bears mentioned the great recession of 08, TI bulls would come out and dismiss it as "once in a life time event" High property...
  6. K

    Work in office or remote?

    A group of 200 Apple employees sounds like a lot on the news headline, but is it really? Considering Apple has over 150,000 employees....That's 0.01%. You can always find 0.01% people with extreme views in any group that size. Tech remote work is getting politicized now mostly because tech...
  7. K

    Experts admit global warming predictions wrong

    Starman, maybe take a chill pill. Studies have shown that typing in caps leads to higher blood pressure. And Homosexuality is not a choice, but homophobia is. Plus if you don't like gay marriage, blame the straight people. They are the ones who keep having gay babies.
  8. K

    Small pool

    Spoken like a lucky guy who's never gotten the pink eye.  ;D I've been in many different pools across different countries and cities.  And the truth is kids will pee in the pool all the same. Doesn't matter if they are rich or poor, from good neighborhood or bad neighborhood. Kids will be...
  9. K

    Small pool

    We used Swan Pools twice, in 2016 and 2017. We got multiple bids and Swan was very price competitive. More importantly, both pools came out great and the process was mostly smooth. Here's their yelp page. Our contact person was Domie Quintana...
  10. K

    Great Park vs Villages of Irvine

    Good luck Martin. That is one amazing house.
  11. K

    Great Park vs Villages of Irvine

    Davin was referring to top floor units  for a high rise. Those tend to be penthouse units with large sqft. My last penthouse was over 2300 sqft with 180 panoramic view for example. I will also take enough living spaces with view over big house without view  :)
  12. K

    Arizona Real Estate (Bubble)

    We just have different investing philosophy. Everyone has different level of risk tolerance. There's really no right or wrong, so no need to insult any TI lurkers  ;) It's impossible for me to time the market right every single turn, but I still believe active investors should try to...
  13. K

    Great Park vs Villages of Irvine

    Is it wrong of me to still consider Portola Springs and Orchard Hills "boondocky" ? I can't be the only one with the bias for west of the 405.  :)
  14. K


    It's definitely not just Tesla. Really felt the price hikes in almost everything during spring break. From car rentals to Airbnb to Thai massages. And on top of price hikes, there were low availabilities too. In Tesla's defense, their operations have become very efficient. Tesla had lower...
  15. K

    Arizona Real Estate (Bubble)

    This article purposely picked the year 2000 as the starting point to make their point. If they used 1990 as their starting point, the results would have been very different. Here's why Year - Average Annual Return 1989 - 1999: 15.9% 2000 - 2011: -0.95% 2011 - 2021: 11.5% I also fundamentally...
  16. K


    78% of COVID hospitalizations are overweight/obese According to CDC - Percent of adults aged 20 and over with obesity: 41.9%. Percent of adults aged 20 and over with overweight, including obesity: 73.6% Life style change is hard for most people. And meaningful result takes time. It?s a...
  17. K

    At 19.2% Op Margin how can any Tesla competitor ever catch them?

    I think another advantage of the Y is the strong resale value. Mach-E resale value is currently unknown. According to Ford's bulletin of lease residual values sent to dealers, a rear-wheel-drive Mach-E Select is expected to be worth only 39% of MSRP after 3 years. 39% after 3yrs is pretty...
  18. K


    Nearly half of white students admitted to Harvard between 2009 and 2014 were recruited athletes, legacy students, children of faculty and staff, or on the dean?s interest list?applicants whose parents or relatives have donated to Harvard...
  19. K

    At 19.2% Op Margin how can any Tesla competitor ever catch them?

    I recently test drove the Mach-E and the Model Y back to back on track. I liked the Mach-E. And I'm saying this as a current model X owner with slight bias towards Tesla too. My opinion is that the Model Y is still the better buy, but the gulf between E and Y is not big. Certainly not "couldn't...
  20. K

    Newer Irvine listings with crazy WTF asking prices from equity sellers

    I doubt that. Even those dreaded 3 level condos are selling around $700 per sqft in Quail Hill