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  1. K

    Mortgage Forbearance

    The money printing will continue for a very long time. Austerity is very unpopular and a tough sell politically. Japan is demonstrating that a large economy can survive a 250% debt to GDP ratio. We are just over 100%. For those who have not, it's time to get into cryto. If you bought $25...
  2. K

    Leaving California? A guide to what state is best to move to

    This might seem pessimistic, but I think people / human nature have always been that way. It feels like it has become this way because how we receive information and communicate have drastically changed. In my opinion, society would function a lot better if people are resistant to moralistic...
  3. K

    Stock picks

    There is a lot of conflict on interest going on. The hedge fund CITADEL has huge short positions on Gamestop stock. CITADEL also pays Robinhood for their order flows, about 40% of CITADEL revenue is from Robinhood. If you had any doubts about America's priorities, just watch how this unfolds...
  4. K

    Stock picks

    Agree on media being a significant driving force behind this Gamestop squeeze. But this likely would not have happened if regulators stopped GME stocks from being shorted 140%. There is zero fundamentals to backup the shorts. Shorting 140% of a company's total stock makes zero mathematical...
  5. K

    Stock picks

    The notion that any of these TV personalities or professional traders ever cared about regular people losing their life savings and/or ruining their lives is laughable. This has always been a zero sum game. All the negative press on WSB is just clown talk. It's the exact behavior financial...
  6. K

    Stock picks

    If you dive a little deeper into this, it becomes a lot more than just retail investors vs. hedge funds. Regulators fell asleep at the switch, allowing a stock to be shorted 140% of available shares should have been the bigger story to begin with. WSB showed how easily finance reporters and...
  7. K

    Stock picks

    1 hedge fund blows up 1,000,000 retail investors ? ?Efficient market? 1,000,000 retail investors blow up 1 hedge fund ? ?Market manipulation?
  8. K

    Stock picks

    I love how all the talking heads are calling Wall Street Bets "retards" and ?amateurs?  when they are the ones who actually understood the gamma squeeze unlike the hedge fund suits that got rekted
  9. K

    The Elephant in the room

    What's truly amusing is Republican members of Congress being upset over Twitter banning an account whose tweets they claimed they didn't read.
  10. K


    Very sorry to hear about your cousin IHO.
  11. K

    Real estate vs stock market

    Sure, every investment vehicle has pros and cons. But IMO leveraged ETF is still superior to using margins, especially for investors who aren't true seasoned vets. Unlike using margins, losing money on leveraged ETF is still cash loss. Won't lose your house / car on cash loss  ;D I agree very...
  12. K

    Real estate vs stock market

    You can, but it is probably not the smartest thing to do in a 20 year buy and hold. The average yearly expense ratio for ETFs is about 0.5%. Leveraged ETFs expenses are a bit higher than average. UPRO, a 3x ETF, has just under 1% yearly expense ration. But margin rates are easily several...
  13. K

    Real estate vs stock market

    Granted you will never truly get an apples to apples comparison, but what you are using to compare is highly inaccurate. You are comparing a highly leveraged play in real estate (5x) to a non-leveraged play in equity. The inherent risk level is not even close, especially when you are talking...
  14. K


    Are we really doing more right than wrong? Look at how much American confidence in covid vaccine has declined since May 2020. We went from having 42% of Americans "definitely will take the vaccine" in May to just 29% "definitely" now. More importantly, 39% of U.S. adults would not get the...
  15. K


    Many people do not trust data coming out of China, yet they trust data coming out of Russia? I am very skeptical of both. Without Russia, the remaining 4 nations consist of 1 mega failure (Spain), 2 failures like US (France and UK), and 1 success (Germany) We can keep comparing ourselves to...
  16. K


    I see similar narrative being touted on many conservative media outlets. But it's somewhat misleading. And conservatives have been touting America being first in the world for decades. Are we supposed to celebrate mediocrity all of a sudden now? Why limit the comparison to the top 5 European...
  17. K

    [Requesting Suggestions/Recommendations] - First time home buyer

    What is this argument based on? Are you saying 2x 3x ETFs do not track correctly? That would be false. If you are basing the argument on who makes a killing financially, then yes I agree with you. But couldn't we make the same argument about RE? the agents makes a killing not the investors.
  18. K

    [Requesting Suggestions/Recommendations] - First time home buyer

    Options trading is not like real estate investing. But don't you also have to be right on both the direction and timing to make money in RE? You are probably talking about out of the money options which have no intrinsic value. Buying anything longer than 1 year out of the money options is...
  19. K

    [Requesting Suggestions/Recommendations] - First time home buyer

    Don't really need 2011. There are GP homes that are better to rent than to buy right now. I don't think anyone is going to argue with " buying a home is much more than a financial exercise" But at what point does the price tag become too much? Do first time home buyers consider the...
  20. K

    [Requesting Suggestions/Recommendations] - First time home buyer

    If "for the faint of heart" is the criteria, neither is putting down 3.5% down to leverage to buy a home. No offense IHO  ;D