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    Newer Irvine listings with crazy WTF asking prices from equity sellers

    How much do you think they spent building that? How much does it cost to build a house half that size?
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    Buying as investment

    I’d be more concerned with the radical right taking over. DeSantis and Abbott are the ones talking about not letting Chinese nationals buy property.
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    Charts show University of California admissions rates for every public high school in state

    Race and ethnicity of UC applicants from California high schools Share of applicants of each race or ethnicity group who were admitted and share of admits who enrolled for the 2022 fall semester. (not broken down by gpa/test scores)...
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    Charts show University of California admissions rates for every public high school in state

    4.28 GPA to get into UCI. What’s the world coming to
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    How low can we go? 30 yr fixed at 3.75% with no fees...

    interesting to see the amount of speculation around the country. See how many all-cash buyers snagged houses in your neighborhood
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    Charts show University of California admissions rates for every public high school in state

    Might need to start a Talk Garden Grove / Fountain Valley forum
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    Apple Products for Fall 2021: iPhone 13, Apple watch 7, etc...

    I'm disappointed my ipad mini2 is basically useless even though it's still in perfect condition. can't even use Spotify on it anymore.
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    Covid UK Strain, children & masks

    Anyone know a good place to get masks?
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    Poor store employees who have to deal with these sheep
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    The Party of Chaos, Rioting, Crime, Conspiracy, Fear, Mendacity, Arrogance

    Yes.  Anyone who wants a visa should get one. I?m against traffickers smuggling people across the border.
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    Protest, Riot, Curfew

    Police officers aren't even in the top ten of the deadliest professions. Should roofers earn $100k + for the risks they take?
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    Coronavirus Recession

    Is this in California? Maybe if he can afford 3 dental offices he can offer to pay them an extra $600/wk.
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    Coronavirus Recession

    The food bank lines surprised me. People were lining up after the second week of the shutdown.
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    That's not a bad idea since there seem to be few cases there.
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    I wanted to ask the same thing. I have enough emergency supplies for two weeks, but what if this goes on until summer. I?m wondering where I should go. I?m thinking South County would be better stocked and less crowded.
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    Irvine Crime Wave

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    Couple that sold home to Zuckerberg for $14M gets property tax surprise

    poor elderly couple in their early 60s has to pay market rate on their property tax after selling their home for 9 million more than it would have been worth if a billionaire didn't want it. So unfair. They're being taken advantage of.