Search results

  1. morekaos_IHB

    Waiting to catch a wave? Surge of REO listings is unlikely.

    <a href="">Delayed Foreclosures Stalk Market </a> Legal snarls, bureaucracy and well-meaning efforts to keep families in their homes are slowing the flow of properties headed toward foreclosure...
  2. morekaos_IHB

    Long Beach general thread

    A bit out of my area but what a bargain!!. Nice morning laugh. This had better have mineral and drilling rights with a pool of oil the size of Kuwait under it. What does one think when setting a price point like this? <a...
  3. morekaos_IHB

    Long Beach general thread

    Wow! Why did you ever leave? We lived on the Peninsula for years and have many of the same warm memories. We moved to Irvine from 2002-2006. (Hence my connection to the IHB) My first memories of Irvine was driving down the wrong street and trying to open the wrong garage (it all looked the...
  4. morekaos_IHB

    Long Beach general thread

    I rather like the fact that people always look at you sideways when you say you live in "Long Beach". One of the best kept secrets is right there in south Long Beach. It is safe, unique and a wonderful place to raise a family. Also, it is probably the last bastion of affordable, waterfront real...
  5. morekaos_IHB

    The Five Stages of Panic Buying

    I have been all in since March but started to lighten up positions last month...Now I am not so sure of that call. Still made a ton goin against the grain and I NEVER sweat a profit. There is always something to trade. The last 6 months have been the most wonderful trading months in my 24 year...
  6. morekaos_IHB

    John Laing Homes rises again

    This is much like Kaufman and Broads resurrection from the ashes of the 90's into its new skin as KB Homes.
  7. morekaos_IHB


    I didn't write this article, but I certainly could have <a href="">The Mob Got it Wrong ?. Once Again</a>
  8. morekaos_IHB

    Celebrities in forclosure

    I am gonna bump this thread if for no other reason except it amuses me. <a href="">NOW SHE'S EVICT-ORIA GOTTI</a>
  9. morekaos_IHB


    I will state it here. I am officailly long the dollar and shorting gold.
  10. morekaos_IHB

    Long Beach general thread

    Well after 554 days on the market Viki Lawrence has finally succumbed to the idea that $3.5 million dollars was a bit too much for her (admittedly nice) house. Today she lopped off a cool Half Mil. That had to sting. She held out for so long I am sure this was a painful (like amputating a hand)...
  11. morekaos_IHB

    Long Beach general thread

    <a href="">$130,000 price reduction </a> <strong>$130,000 price reduction - sellers motivated!</strong> This beautiful...
  12. morekaos_IHB

    Can you name all 14 bubbles?

    If Cap and Trade is passed the 15th bubble will be in the Pollution Credit market/ Emissions trading. Goldman will lead the way in
  13. morekaos_IHB

    Long Beach general thread

    I don't think there has been a house of this size under a mil on the "Peninsula" in quite awhile....hope rings eternal though
  14. morekaos_IHB

    Long Beach general thread

    Wow, This is how a perfectly safe homeowner gets himself into deep crap. This guy bought right. <a href="">15-69th-Pl</a> Date Event Price Appreciation Source Aug 05, 2009 Price Changed $1,490,000 -- SoCalMLS...