Search results

  1. R

    Toyota moving to Texas

    This could happen anywhere in any state but irvine is not as crime free as you think it is. I know for a fact that the cvs's in irvine are routinely robbed of whatever thieves can get. They hit in any time day or night but especially right after the pharmacy staff leaves, leaving only two...
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    Irvine on sale

    I think u might be right but JM Peters wasn't semi custom. It took many years to sell the houses out in WS and CC (interest rate thing). CC included real stain glass in entry windows and solid oak cabinets. We looked at the models and dreamed of "some day" owning a house when PP, WS and CC were...
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    Irvine on sale

    Even though prices are off their peak, LL was here saying not to buy with prices MUCH MUCH lower than they are now. Of course he will say see! Told you! But when prices are higher than when he started yapping it's not really all that accurate and when u consider payments being much lower than if...
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    Irvine on sale

    I know that area very well. If you're looking at buying a house that age in that general area, look for Windstream or Canyon Creek. Both of those neighborhoods were originally sold to executives and doctors and were semi custom, much much better quality than the surrounding homes which are part...
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    Irvine on sale

    Why? What makes that house bad for comps? Is it a lot better than these? a pool
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    Toyota moving to Texas

    NO!!!!!!!!!! I thought it was just low income people who couldn't afford California leaving. LOL!
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    Poll: Irvine Housing Prediction June 2022

    Because you get ripped off for everything in California, your views are skewed. Gas at the Tustin Legacy costco is 80 cents above the price it was the day putin started bombing ($4.99 today). There is no way that will stay up that high. Oil is now where it was in January. The price of gas here...
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    Builder grade cabinets repair options

    Before I moved in 1998, I had a house that had solid oak cabinets that were not well cared for so I used lemon or orange oil alot which helped somewhat in masking how dried out they had become. We wanted to do some serious renovation but contractors were major flakes and we found our forever...
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    Builder grade cabinets repair options

    Is the inside ok? If you only need to get the doors and outside frames done, maybe you could try this: In the middle of the post they show how they put strips of wood in front of the old doors and the frames. They did that to...
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    My daughter is NOT getting laid off and neither is her hubby. They can't even find enough certified teachers so they had to allow teachers going to school to be hired. Still...... she had my other two daughters are absolutely positive a recession is coming and they have to not spend NOW because...
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    So I was looking at charts again, thinking if the market tanks in a hurry, it wouldn't be hard for a lot of stocks to hit their 52 week lows pretty quickly and it could set up a sideways trading range. LOTS of money to be made on that. You know right where to buy and right where to sell. My...
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    Lots of stocks look really nice with a rounded bottom but market was here and 7 days later we were at the recent bottom. Took my profits today in my dexcom trade. It's really pretty expensive and I don't want to get caught in a sell the news on tandem and podd/ or general market pull back...
  13. R

    Joys of replacing a fridge, attempt #4

    I've had a built in since 1998 so I had to get another for this house and won't be getting a built in on the next house either because it only fits a 36" wide which I know won't nearly hold enough even for two people. Before the subzero we just had, we have only had two refrigerators which were...
  14. R

    Poll: Irvine Housing Prediction June 2022

    10 year bond still falling......... towards 2.5 and then towards 2. If you want a house now is the time to try to strong arm a seller into lowering the price if you can. Negotiate the longest time frame u can get for inspections. If the yield keeps falling bet you'll end up with a sweet deal.
  15. R

    Poll: Irvine Housing Prediction June 2022

    Just got back from Cali. Paid $4.99 for gas at FV costco. Costco is no longer the lowest station in a few areas and Berri brothers beats them in FV now. Gas got me to the interior of AZ where I paid $3.95 tonight at Costco. (Sam's club competition gets it this low (probably same as FV)...
  16. R

    How low can we go? 30 yr fixed at 3.75% with no fees...

    That's why I told my daughter to get your papers in and be ready in case it's just a pop lower for a day or two. Being in the area for so long, something that has been uncanny is Tustin's ability to lolligag and manage to finally get things built at market tops, completely missing the upside...
  17. R

    How low can we go? 30 yr fixed at 3.75% with no fees...

    My daughter has a 4% loan (just closed in May). Unless it's no cost not sure it makes a huge difference for her since she is a few 100K under jumbo loans but I told her to get a mortgage broker and have her papers ready in case they fall one day bigly. If the 10 year breaks 270 it could head...
  18. R

    Institutional landlords under pressure

    I think open doors is going to have to be put out to pasture for not learning from zillow. One of their listings here is listed by redfin. We can look up owners here by address and it is most definately owned by open doors.
  19. R

    Toyota moving to Texas

    Nope. Price for megawatts per hour is half of what I was paying in Cali. I don't have any time tier restrictions either. I have no pool but no one heats their pools here anyway. They have to have some shade actually or most people find the water too warm for their liking in the summer. My...